Items where Division is "Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPS) > Program Pascasarjana > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2019

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Number of items: 56.


Aeni, Noor and Priyana, Joko (2019) Developing Learning Modules for Guide Trainees at Prambanan Temple. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Al Humaira, Satwika and Sugirin, Sugirin (2019) Designing English Learning Material for Eleventh Graders of Multimedia Study Program. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Ambarini, Galih and Ashadi, Ashadi (2019) Student Perception on Motivational Strategies Used by Junior High School English Teachers. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Azhar, Herida Panji Olivia (2019) The English Teachers’ Perceived Readiness in Implementing Authentic Assessment in Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Bunaya, Mulya Sari (2019) Teachers’ Perceptions towards Intercultural Communicative Competence in Yogyakarta High Schools. S2 thesis, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.


Dwi, Nanda FN and Margana, Margana (2019) Developing Multiple Intelligence-Based English Speaking Supplementary Materials for year 7 Full Day School Students of Islamic Junior High Schools. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Eisenring, Moh. Abraham Akbar (2019) An Analysis of Teacher Talk in English Language Teaching and Learning: A Case Study at SMA Al-Azhar Mandiri Palu. S2 thesis, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Emeral, Emeral and Margana, Margana (2019) The Effect of L2 Speaking Anxiety and L2 Learning Motivation on EFL Undergraduate Students’ Willingness to Communicate in L2. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Fadliah, Unun and Sugirin, Sugirin (2019) Developing Speaking Materials for the Second Semester students of Nursing Department. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Ficayuma, Lina Aris (2019) Developing English Writing Materials Based on HOTS and Blended Culture for Eleventh Grade Students of SHS at Yogyakarta. S2 thesis, UNY.


Gayatri, Bertha Resivia Intan and Ciptaningrum, Dyah Setyowati (2019) Developing English Writing Materials for X Grade based on Learner’s Learning Styles (VAK). S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Hartini, Hartini and Madya, Suwarsih (2019) Peer Interaction in Free Conversation Classes for Non- English Departments at Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Hepriansyah, Azwan and Purbani, Widyastuti (2019) English Learning Styles of the Eleventh Grade Students in Bombana Senior High Schools, South East Sulawesi. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Hidayati, Fitri (2019) The Influence of English Langugage Proficiency and Gender on University Students’ Intercultural Competence. S2 thesis, UNY.


Idris, Mas Muhammad and Widyantoro, Agus (2019) Assessing Intercultural Competence of State Junior High Schools English Teachers in Yogyakarta. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Irvani, Nurlia and Widyantoro, Agus (2019) Developing Islamic Englsih Learning Materials for Teaching English to Young Learners in Integrated Islamic Elementary School. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Isnani, Khoirunnisa and Widyantoro, Agus (2019) English Teachers’ Attitudes and Teaching Practices toward ICT Use in Yogyakarta. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Istiqomah, Istiqomah and Sugirin, Sugirin (2019) Developing English Reading Materials to Support Character Education for Grade IX Students. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Karim, Curnia (2019) Pengembangan Pembelajaran Multimedia Interaktif untuk Siswa Kelas X. S2 thesis, UNY.

Karim, Zun Nuraini (2019) Developing English Writing Materials for Grade XI Students of SMA PGRI 1 Ngawi. S2 thesis, UNY.

Kasse, Tchello and Hidayanto, Nur (2019) Pre-service English Teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, Confidence and Attitudes in Using Moodle at ENSUP of Bamako – Mali. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Kiswaga, Godlove Elioth and Madya, Suwarsih (2019) he Application of the Intercultural Approach to Teaching BIPA at Yogyakarta State University. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Larasati, Andayani (2019) A Content Analysis of Character Values in English Textbooks for Senior High School Grade X. S2 thesis, UNY.

Lestari, Endang and Priyana, Joko (2019) Developing Reading and Writing Learning Materials for Grade 11 Students of Automotive Engineering Study Program of Vocational High School 1 Purworejo. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Ma'wa, Jannatul and Madya, Suwarsih (2019) Penelitian Keyakinan Tutor Bahasa Inggris tentang Kemandirian Warga Belajar: Sebuah Studi Pada Program Pendidikan Non-Formal di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Maisyarah, Helti and Madya, Suwarsih (2019) Developing Intercultural Reading Materials for Accounting Students of University of Bengkulu. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Marahati, Elsa Maria and Wiedarti, Pangesti (2019) Character Values in an EFL Textbook of Senior High Schools. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Maykasari, Dyta and Purbani, Widyastuti (2019) Character Values in English as Foreign Language (EFL) Textbooks for Junior High Schools. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Miatin, Uli Fauziyah (2019) The Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) Model on Writing Recount Texts and Writing Motivation of the Eighth Grade Students. S2 thesis, UNY.

Murdanianto, Murdanianto and Widyantoro, Agus (2019) Developing Content-Based English Materials for Grade X Business and Management Study Program at Vocational High School. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Murtisari, Niken and Priyana, Joko (2019) Developing Project-Based Reading and Writing Learning Materials for Grade X Students of SMA N 4 Purworejo. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Muslim, Nur Istiana and Sugirin, Sugirin (2019) The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning to Integrate Reading and Writing Skills in Senior High Schools. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Nabil, Faiz and Ciptaningrum, Dyah Setyowati (2019) The Effectiveness of the Know-Want-Learned Strategy in Teaching Reading Narrative Text to Grade Eight Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Raudhatul Ulum. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Oktarini, Ryan (2019) The Effectiveness of the Use of PQ4R and CSR Techniques in Grade X Students’ Reading Skills Development at SMA N 1 Godean. S2 thesis, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.


Permatasari, Indah and Andriyanti, Erna (2019) Cultural Text-based Intercultural Teaching to Improve Students‟ Intercultural Communicative Competence. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Pradana, Sandi and Ashadi, Ashadi (2019) Developing Weblog as Media in Teaching Writing. S2 thesis, Pascasarjana.

Pratomo, Yusuf Cahyo and Ciptaningrum, Dyah Setyowati (2019) Developing Speaking Materials based on Problem Solving Activities for the Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Puspasari, Wikandari Marselina and Ashadi, Ashadi (2019) Designing a Pop-up Book to Improve Eight Grade Hearing-Impaired Students’ Writing. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Pustika, Reza (2019) The Effect of Reading Literacy in EFL Classroom on the Critical Thinking Skill and Interest in Reading English of the Students of High Schools in Yogyakarta City. S2 thesis, UNY.


Rahim, Alfi and Margana, Margana (2019) Developing HOTS-based Supplementary Reading Materials for Grade XI Students of the English Language and Literature Program. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Rizqiana, Annisa and Triastuti, Anita (2019) The Implementation of the PLAN Strategy to Teach Students’ Reading Comprehension in Junior Secondary School. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Rujani, Muhammad Rifqy and Purbani, Widyastuti (2019) The Use of Local Legendary Tales to Improve Students’ Critical Reading Skill at SMA Darul Hijrah Putera. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Setiawan, Heri and Widyantoro, Agus (2019) Developing Communicative Materials for Speaking at English Course for Children (ECC) Program in SD Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Setiowati, Bella and Purbani, Widyastuti (2019) Developing speaking materials based on Islamic values for senior high school English Club of Assalafiyah. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Shaleha, Mustikaning Ayu and Purbani, Widyastuti (2019) Character Education Practices in EFL Instruction: a Case Study in Vocational High School. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Soali, Muhammad and Ashadi, Ashadi (2019) Autistic Students’ Learning Strategies in Writing Descriptive Texts: A Case Study in Inclusive Schools. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Sugiarti, Niah and Widyantoro, Agus (2019) The Characteristics of the English Multiple Choice Test Items in the Year-End Assessment of Grade 8 Students of SMPN 8 Yogyakarta in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. S2 thesis, Pascasarjana.

Supriadi, Muhammad Fauzan (2019) Developing Task-Based Speaking Materials for Students of Flight Attendant School Jogja Flight. S2 thesis, UNY.

Syahriani, Syahriani and Madya, Suwarsih (2019) Students’ Writing Strategies in Learning Writing at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Syahriani, Syahriani and Madya, Suwarsih (2019) Students’ Writing Strategies in Learning Writing at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. S2 thesis, Pascasarjana.


Timur, Tia Lintang and Margana, Margana (2019) Compensation Strategies in Translation Practices by the Fourth Semester Students Teacher of English. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.


Ulfah, Refrilia and Margana, Margana (2019) Developing Supplementary English Materials for Nursing Students of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University in reference to Common European Framework. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

Utami, Yuni Putri (2019) The Effectiveness of Higher Order Thinking Reading (HOTR) and Directed Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA) In Reading Comprehension Teaching for Grade Eight Students. S2 thesis, UNY.


Wibowo, Sudirja Hari and Ciptaningrum, Dyah Setyowati (2019) Designing a Supplementary Reading Material for Junior High School to Develop Students’ Reading Habit and Critical Thinking. S2 thesis, Program Pascasarjana.

This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 00:18:46 2025 WIB.