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Abdurahman, Askois and Jailani (2014) Effectiveness Worksheet with Problem Solving Approach. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Achmad, Buchori and Sutrisno and Noviana Dini, Rahmawati (2014) Development of Matiklopedia Based Character Building in Yunior High School. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Adi Asmara, . (2014) Mathematical Representation Ability And Self Confidence Students Through Realistic Mathematics Approach. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Admin, . (2014) International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Agustina Sri Purnami, . (2014) Coaching Model To Certified Junior High School Math Teachers In Yogyakarta. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

AkhsanulIn’am, . (2014) Students’ Problem in Writing the Article of Mathematics Learning Resources Development. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Ariyadi Wijayaa,c,*, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizena,b, Michiel, . (2014) Identifying (Indonesian) Students’ Difficulties in Solving Context-Based (PISA) Mathematics Tasks. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Ariyani Muljo, . (2014) The Development Of Teaching Macromedia Flash For Plane Material In Class X SMKN 1 Langsa. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Baiduri, . (2014) Thinking Process of Elementary School Students in Word Problem Solving. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Bethany Elvira 1 , Yudi Satria 2 , dan Rahmi Rusin 3, . (2014) Modified Genetic Algorithm to Solve Time-varying Lot Sizes Economic Lot Scheduling Problem. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Budi Lazarusli 1 , Rosalina Ginting 2 and Achmad Buchori 3, . (2014) Development of Model Learning Character Building Based e-comic in The Elementary School. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Dasa Ismaimuza, . (2014) Associations Between Students’ Prior Knowledge with Critical and Creative Thinking Ability on Mathematics Junior High School Students Through Problem Based Learning and Cognitive Conflict Strategy. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Desi Rahmatina, . (2014) The Effect Of Students Attitude Toward Mathematics For Mathematics Achievement In Indonesia. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Dewi, Nurmalitasari and Basuki, Widodo (2014) Pollutant And Sedimentation Dispersion Pattern In The Confluence Of Two Rivers. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Dewi Rahimah, . and Syafdi Maizora, . (2014) The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Course Review Horay Type Aided Macromedia Flash Media in Integral Calculus Course. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa, . and Rosita Kusumawati, . and Retno Subekti, . (2014) Forecasting Consumer Price Index of Education, Recreation, and Sport, using Feedforward Neural Network Model. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Diar Veni Rahayu, . and Ekasatya Aldila Afriansyah, . (2014) Enhancing the Ability of Mathematics Student Problem Solving through Pembelajaran Pelangi Matematika. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Edy Bambang Irawan, . (2014) Investigation Of Mathematical Concepts In Order To Increase Tacit Knowledge Of Mathematics Novice Teachers. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Edy Widodo, . and Suryo Guritno, . and Sri Haryatmi, . (2014) M-Estimation Of Multivariate Response Surface Models With Data Outliers. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Edy Widodo, Suryo Guritno and Sri Haryatmi, . (2014) M-Estimation Of Multivariate Response Surface Models With Data Outliers. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Eka Zuliana, M.Pd, . (2014) Caping Kalo As Kudus Cultural Heritage To Construct Circle Concept Of Primary School Students. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Ekasatya Aldila Afriansyah, . (2014) What Students’ Thinking about Contextual Problems is. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Erni Nuraeni, . and Rahayu Kariadinata, . and Iyon Maryono, . (2014) Implementation Of Project Based Learning As An Effort To Improve Student’s Strategic Competence And Productive Dispotition. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Euis Eti Rohaeti, . (2014) Developing A Balanced Hard Skill And Soft Skill Of Students’ Math Through The Character-Oriented Scientific Approach. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Fina Nurmita, . (2014) Application Of Problem Posing Study Model At Group Study To Increase Result Of Learning Mathematics. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Fitriana Yuli Saptaningtyas, . (2014) Picard Iteration To Solve Linier And Nonlinier IVP Problem. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Gusniarti, . (2014) Applying Geogebra Software To Improve Students Of Learning Outcomes And Activities. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Hamidah, . (2014) Relationships Between Retention Of Mathematical Critical Thinking And Self Regulated Learning Through Contextual Approach. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Harkirat S Dhindsa, . and P. K. Veloo, . and Parmjit Singh, . (2014) The Distribution of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems in Bruneian Elementary Mathematics Texts. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hasratuddin1, . (2014) Mathematics Learning Now And Will Come. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hayatun Nufus, . (2014) Student Attitudes Towards Learning Mathematics, Mathematics Learning Problems And Reasoning Communication And Mathematical. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hedi Budiman, . (2014) Developing Mathematical Discovery Ability Using Geometry Expression Software. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Heni Pujiastuti, . (2014) Developing Teaching Material of Inquiry Co-operation Model for Enhancing Student' Mathematical Communication Ability. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hepsi Nindiasari, . and Novaliyosi, . and Nurul Anriani, . (2014) Stages of Reflective Thinking Mathematically. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Herfa MD Soewardini, . (2014) Assimilation and Accomodation Speed Detection of The Seventh Grade Students in Learning Special Triangle. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Heris Hendriana, . and Euis Eti Rohaeti, . (2014) Values And Characters-Nuanced Innovative Teaching To Develop Hard Skills And Soft Skills Of Junior And Senior High Students’ Math. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hernawati, Kuswari and Insani, Nur and Waryanto, Nur Hadi and Sumarno, Bambang (2014) Application Of Association Rules With Apriori Algorithm To Determine The Pattern Of The Relationship Between SBMPTN Database And Student's Grade Point Average. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Herry Suryawan, . (2014) Donsker’s Delta Function of the Generalized Mixed Fractional Brownian Motion. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hisyam Hidayatullah, . (2014) Exploiting Domino Games "Cassava H154M" in order to improve students' understanding about the value of trigonometry in various quadrants. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hj. Epon Nur’aeni L, Tiara Penta Yurlita, . (2014) The Enhancement Ability Of Mathematical Connection In Paralellogram Material Through Learning Based On Van Hiele Theory. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Hongki Julie, St. Suwarsono, Dwi Juniati, . (2014) The Understanding Profiles Of The Subject 1 About The Philosophy, Principles, And Characteristics Of RME Before Subject 1 Learns From The Learning Resource. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Imam Solekhudin, . (2014) A Numerical Method For Infiltration Problems. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

In, Abdullah and Hery, Suharna (2014) The Innovative Reflective Thinking Process In Solving Calculus Problems. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Indah Widiati, . (2014) Developing Mathematical Problem Solving Skills Of Students Junior High School Through Contextual Learning. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Jackson Pasini Mairing, . (2014) Students’ Concept Maps in Abstract Algebra. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Janet Trineke Manoy, . (2014) Creative Problem Solving with Higher Order Thinking Problem in Learning Mathematics. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


KADIR, . and LA MASI, . (2014) Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills Of Students Junior High School In Kendari City. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Kartini Hutagaol, . (2014) Integrating Faith And Learning. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Khoirul Qudsiyah 1, Tika Dedy Prastyo 2, . (2014) The Effect Of REOG Learning For Mathematical Analogic Ability From Junior State High School In Pacitan Regency. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Kistosil, Fahim and Lukman, Hanafi and Subiono and Fatma, Ayu (2014) Monorail and Tram Scheduling which Integrated Surabaya using Max-Plus Algebra. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Kodirun, . (2014) Effectiveness of Progressive Learning Approach toward Enhancement of Students’ Competency on Mathematics Journal Writing. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


L. H. Wiryanto, W. Djohan, . (2014) Numerical solution of KdV equation model of interfacial wave. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

La Misu, . (2014) Mathematical Problem Solving Of Student Approach Behavior Learning Theory. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Lestari, Himmawati Puji and Hernawati, Kuswari (2014) The Student's Response To Solid Geometry Learning Using Information Communication Technology (ICT). International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki, . (2014) The Benefits of Compact Disc Interactive Mathematic as a Builder Democratic Mindset Sub Tema: (Using Technology in Mathematics Education). International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


M. Andy Rudhito, . (2014) Fuzzy Number Min-Plus Algebra and Matrix. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Mimih Aminah, . and Yaya S. Kusumah, . (2014) The Implementation of Metacognitive Learning Approach in Developing Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Miranda, Eliyan and Basuki, Widodo (2014) The Implementation of Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin (MLPG) Method for Determine Pollutant Sources in Brantas River. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Mohamad Fatekurohman, . and Subanar, . and Danardono, . (2014) An Algorithm of Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Bivariate Censored Data. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Mohamad Fatekurohman, Subanar, Danardono, . (2014) An Algorithm of Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Bivariate Censored Data. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Mujiyem Sapti, . (2014) Teacher’s Informal Learning Trajectory and Student’s Actual Learning Trajectory On Learning Cube And Cuboid Nets. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Mustamin Anggo, . and Latief Sahidin, . (2014) Development Of Learning Mathematics To Train Students' Metacognitive Ability. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Mustamin Idris, . and Jusman Mansyur, . and Darmawan, . and Sarintan N. Kaharu, . (2014) The Readiness and the Ability of Elementary School Teachers in Integrating Mathematics into Other Subjects on the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Musthofa, . (2014) An application of Max Plus Algebra in Cryptography. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Muzamil Huda, . (2014) Finding New Numbers From Square Matrix. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Nahor Murani Hutapea, . (2014) The Enhancement Of Mathematical Reasoning Ability Of Senior High School Students’ Through Generative Learning. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Neneng Tita Rosita, . and Mimih Aminah, . and Agus Jaenudin, . (2014) An Analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of High Capability Students of the Islamic Elementary Schools at Sumedang. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Nila Kesumawati, . (2014) Realistic Mathematics Education Of Indonesia, Mathematically Disposition, and Mathematically Creative Thinking of Junior High School. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Nita Delima, . (2014) Martingale And The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Nur Hadi, Waryanto and Wahyu, Setyaningrum (2014) E-Learning Readiness In Indonesia: A Case Study In Junior High School Yogyakarta. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Nur Insani, . (2014) A Comparison of Heuristics Algorithms to Solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips and Intermediate Facility. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari, . and Titik Sugiarti, . (2014) Designing Mathematics Model of Teaching: The syntax of “Problem-Solving Performance Modelling” Model of Teaching. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Nurina Happy, . (2014) The Effectiveness Of Pbl On Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills And Self-Esteem Of Junior High School Students. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Pham Sy NAM, . (2014) Teaching Experiments in exploring convex and concave functions. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Pham Sy NAM, . and Ha Xuan THANH, . and Max STEPHENS, . (2014) Teaching experiments in constructing mathematical problems that st relate to real life. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Rani Kurnia, Putri and Basuki, Widodo (2014) The Influence Of Hydrodynamics On The Spread Of Pollutants And Sedimentation In The Confluence Of Two Rivers. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Raoda Ismail, . and Okky Riswandha Imawan, . (2014) Project-Based Learning on Learning Mathematics. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Rasiman, . and Agnita Siska Pramasdyahsari, . (2014) Development Of Mathematics Learning Equipment Based On Critical Thinking Using SAVI Approach Assisted By Interactive CD. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Rezi Ariawan, . (2014) The Implementation of Visual Thinking Approach in Learning Activity with a Quick on the Draw to Improve the Problem SolvingAbility of Junior High School Students. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Rifky Fauzi 1,* , Mashuri 1 , Idha Sihwaningrum 1, . (2014) On the Pseudo-spectral Methods for Solving MKdV Equation. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Risnanosanti, . (2014) Development Pisa Problems With Cultural Context Of Bengkulu. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Rosita Kusumawati 1* , Aran Puntosadewo 2, . (2014) The Application Of Goal Programing For Portfolio Selection Problem In Indonesia. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


S. Uttunggadewa, . and E. Soewono, . and R. Hadianti, . and N. Nuraini, . and K. A. Sidarto, . and N. Sumarti, . (2014) The role of the Center for Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Institut Teknologi Bandung, at Mathematical Modeling Course at Department of Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Salman Sakif, . and Subanji, . and Sisworo, . (2014) Defragmenting Of Thinking Process Through Cognitive Mapping To Fix Student’s Error In Solving The Problem Of Algebra. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Sari Herlina, . (2014) Effectiveness Of React Strategy For Improve Of Problem Solving st Ability On Mathematics In Junior High School. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Septianusa, . and Maulina Supriyaningsih, . and Ayu Septiani, . and RB Fajriya Hakim, . (2014) Mining the Traffic Conditions via Twitter based on Rough Set Theory. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Sindi Amelia, . (2014) The Influence Of Accelerated Learning Cycle On Junior High School Students’ Mathematics Connection Abilities. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Siti Khomariyah, . and Janet Trineke Manoy, . (2014) Application Of Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) With Creative Problem Solving (CPS) In Arithmetic Sequence And Series. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Siti Nurashiken Binti Md. Sabudin, . and Dr. Zaleha Ismail, . (2014) Statistical Reasoning Learning Enviroment (SRLE) in Teaching Video Improved Statistical Reasoning Skills. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Somakim, . (2014) Improving Competence Mathematical Self-Efficacy of Junior Secondary School Students by Applying Realistic Mathematics Approach. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Sri Andayani, . (2014) The 2-Tuple Linguistic Representation Approach for Learning Competence Evaluation. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Sudirman, . (2014) Improving Ability of Teachers in Action Learning of Mathematic Through Using Environment of School as Source of Learning. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Sukono, . and Akik Hidayat, . and Wulan Marselly Firdaus, . (2014) Risk Analysis of Credit Default on Rural Bank by Using Back Propagation Neural Networks Approach. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Supandi1, W. Kusumaningsih2, L. Ariyanto3, . (2014) Blended Learning Design for Mathematics in Schools. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Susda Heleni, . (2014) Application Model Learning Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Math Learning To Improve Results Class VIII SMPN 3 Pekanbaru. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Susilahudin Putrawangsa1, Monica Wijers2 Agung Lukito3, Siti M A, . (2014) Educational Design Research: Developing Students’ Understanding Of Measurement Units Of Area. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Sutarto Hadi, . and Karim, . and Kamaliyah, . and Rizki Amalia, . (2014) Using the Ornaments of Historical Mosque to Learn Two-Dimensional Shapes. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Syaiful, . (2014) Student Comprehension About Line And Row From Apos Theory Point Of View. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Theresia Laurens, . and Christina Laamena, . and Christi Matitaputty, . (2014) Development a Set of Instructional Learning Based Realistic Mathematics Education and Local Wisdom. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Tri Dyah Prastiti, . and Jackson Pasini Mairing, . (2014) Tutorial Based on Problems and Role Playing to Increase Yogyakarta Open University Students’ Undestanding of Class Action Research. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Wardani Rahayu, . and Meyta Dwi Kurniasih, . (2014) The Influence Of React Strategy Towards Mathematical Belief. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Warman, . (2014) Mathemathics Learning Through The Problems Of Environmental. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Winita Sulandari, . and Hartatik, . and Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi, . and Yudho Yudhanto, . and Berliana Kusuma Riasti, . and Titin Sri Martini, . (2014) Build an Interactive Application “Matica” for Teaching and Learning Mathematics. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Yaya S. Kusumah, . and Vara Nina Yulian, . (2014) Enhancing Students’ Mathematical Reasoning By Algebrator-Assisted Inquiry Method. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Yeni Susanti, Ph.D., . (2014) On Regular Elements of Semigroups of Finitary Operations. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Yenita Roza, . and Sakur, . and Syarifah Nur Siregar, . and SuciNitiaEdwar, . (2014) Developing Mathematic Teaching Material for 4 th Grade of Elementary School Based on Traditional Folk Games of Riau Province. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Yenita Roza, . and Titi Solfitri, . and Eka Puspita Sari, . (2014) eveloping Mathematic Learning Material for 5 th Grade of Elementary School Based on Traditional Games of Riau Province eveloping Mathematic Learning Material for 5 th Grade of Elementary School Based on Traditional Games of Riau Province. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Yuliana Susanti, . and Sri Sulistijowati H, . and Hasih Pratiwi, . (2014) Analysis of Rice Availability in Indonesia Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Yuliana Susanti, Sri Sulistijowati H. and Hasih Pratiwi, . (2014) Analysis of Rice Availability in Indonesia Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3


Zaky Musyarof, . and Dwi Yono Sutarto, . and Dwima Rindy Atika, . and RB Fajriya Hakim, . (2014) To Select Evacuation Route. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

Zulkarnain, . (2014) The Influence Of Realistic Mathematics Approach To Mathematics Problem Solving Capability Of Students Class VII State Junior High School 3 Mandau. International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-602-1037-00-3

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