Developing English Textbook Prototype for11th Grade Students of Hotel Accommodation Study Program.

Marlin, Sri (2017) Developing English Textbook Prototype for11th Grade Students of Hotel Accommodation Study Program. S2 thesis, UNY.

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This research aims to develop an appropriate textbook prototype that is suitable with students’ needs for the eleventh graders of Hotel Accommodation study program in learning English. The research design was a research and development (R&D) which adapted a model proposed by Dick, Carey and Carey (2005) and combined with a model proposed by Graves (2000). The procedure of textbook prototype development consisted of conducting needs analysis, designing course grid, developing the first draft of the product, having expert evaluation on the first draft of the product, implementing the product, and evaluating the final product. The product implementation consisted of the 1st tryout involving 4 students of class HA2 of SMKN 3 Baubau. The 2nd tryout involved 22 students’ of class HA1 of SMKN 3 Baubau. The data were collected using an interview guide, and questionnaires for expert validation, teachers’ and students’ responses toward the product. The data gathered during the research were analyzed qualitatively through descriptive statistic. The result of needs analysis shows that students need to learn English in both oral and written to support their job in the future. The contents of the materials and the topics need to be related the hotel fields by covering relevant daily activities and current issues. The materials also include various types of activities that integrate the four English skills. The research finding reveals that the English textbook prototype in terms of contents, language, learning, presentation, and graphic design aspects is categorized very good by the expert with the conversion interval 4.2 <x≤ 5. Furthermore, on the teachers’ responses toward the textbook prototype show the range of average mean score 4.4 <x≤ 5 which is categorized as very good. The results of students’ feedback after the tryout process are categorized as very good in which at the 1st tryout the range of average mean score are 3.75 <x≤ 5, meanwhile in the 2nd tryout, it is 4.2 <x≤ 5.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Integrated skills, developing an English textbook prototype, vocational high school
Subjects: Bahasa dan Sastra > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Divisions: Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPS) > Program Pascasarjana > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Pascasarjana
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2017 06:57
Last Modified: 09 May 2019 07:56

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