Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Penjasorkes Berbasis Karakter untuk Meningkatkan Nilai-nilai Afektif di Sekolah Dasar

Ermawan, Susanto, M.Pd. (2011) Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Penjasorkes Berbasis Karakter untuk Meningkatkan Nilai-nilai Afektif di Sekolah Dasar. [Experiment/Research]


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The goals of physical education are: (1) to give the strong basic of moral character through value internalization at physical education; and (2) to develop some attitudes like sportifity, honesty, discipline, reponsibility, team work, confidence and democracy by physical education. The main goal at first year is to identify pedagogic competence, teacher understanding level, the description of character loading at learning and character values at physical education learning. This descriptive research that uses quantitative and qualitative approach (mixing). There are four problem formulations. For the first,uses population as much as 144 physical education teacher at elementary school in DIY. This takes Cluster Random Sampling as sampling technique. The sample is 60 physical education teachers.

Item Type: Experiment/Research
Additional Information: Laporan Penelitian Unggulan UNY 2011
Subjects: LPPM
Divisions: LPPM - Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Depositing User: LPPM UNY
Date Deposited: 21 Sep 2015 04:23
Last Modified: 21 Sep 2015 04:23

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