Dwi, Ampriyati (2014) CREATING A QUALITY LEARNING THROUGH SCHOOL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL. International Conference on Fundamentals and Implementation of Education (ICFIE) 2014. ISSN 2406-9132


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The implementation of quality learning activities could take place if the school management activities can be performed well. The need for facilities and infrastructure to support the learning activity is strongly influenced by the activities of the school management. School budget is the financial plan approved by the Head of the School of Education Office of the city/county. The preparation of the school budget should be based on the principles in accordance with the needs, time, transparently, participation, upholding fairness and propriety, and not against the rules. The role of the principal is very important in financial management activities or school budgets. The school's financial management activities need fund so that school activities can be planned, attempted procurement, recorded in a transparent manner, and is used to finance the implementation of school programs effectively and efficiently. Supported quality of financial reporting through review, evaluation, mentoring and auditing with preemptive strategies, preventive, repressive, human resource development (auditors), and infrastructure development. These activities may have an impact on the financial management of the school which be more orderly so that accountability is maintained, and it among other things: the presence of the quality of the school's budget and spending plan, quality management processes, and the quality of the report. The principal's role in the financial management of the school is very important as a control function to be able to create comfort in performing financial tasks. The prevention of irregularities in budget activities will be done well because of the control and assistance in managing budgets and bookkeeping/administration to report the activity. Financial management will support the better quality of teaching in schools because all the learning needs of the organization will be met in accordance with the needs that have been planned. Keywords: review, evaluation, mentoring, auditing, infrastructure

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Prosiding > ICFIE 2014
Divisions: Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPS)
Depositing User: Eprints
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2015 12:42
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2015 12:42

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