Bambang, Budi Wiyono (2014) DEVELOPMENT STRATEGYOF TEACHERS‟ TEACHING PROFESSIONALISM. Seminar Nasional dan Temu Alumni "Peran Pendidikan dalam Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa". ISSN 978-602-96172-6-9


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Improving the quality of education is the main priority in developing educationin Indonesia. One of the factors that determine the quality of education is the teacher. Improvement of the quality of educationis characterized by increased students‟ achievement, and it‟scan only be achieved through teaching professionalism of teachers. Therefore, toimprove the quality of education, the first step that must be conducted is to improve the teaching professionalism of teachers. The purpose of this study is to describe the determinant factors that determine the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching. The study used descriptive research design. Samples were 90 teachers and 28 principals in East Java, taken by using a quota random sampling technique. The data collected by question naires, interviews, and documentation, and analized by descriptive statistics, correlation, and qualitative data analysis. The results showed that there are six strategies to improve the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching, namely use proper supervision approach, effective supervision techniques, positive super vision principles, and supported by good facilities, good media, competent supervisors, and relevant places. The collaborative approach is the most appropriate supervision approach, but it also needs to be adapted to the characteristics of the teachers. The most effective technique provide learning experiences widely for teachers, and its implementation is based on the positive principles, for example, democratic, scientific, cooperative, creative, and constructive. The good facilities, relevant media, competent supervisors, and good places also contribute to the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching. The use of positive principles is the most decisive factor to improve the professionalism of teachers‟ teaching. The professionalism of teachers‟ teaching include the ability to know the learners‟ characteristics, mastery of the oryand principles of learning, curriculum development capabilities, the quality ofthe learning process, ability to develop the learners‟potency, communication skills, evaluation skills, mastery of material, personality, and ability to develop themselves.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Prosiding > ICERE 2014
Divisions: Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPS)
Depositing User: Eprints
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2015 10:55
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2015 10:55

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