The Influence Of Edutainment Method Towards The Mathematics’ Learning Achievement Of The Sixth Grade Students Of SDN I And SDN II Tanjungsari Boyolangu Tulungagung

Umy , Zahroh (2011) The Influence Of Edutainment Method Towards The Mathematics’ Learning Achievement Of The Sixth Grade Students Of SDN I And SDN II Tanjungsari Boyolangu Tulungagung. PROCEEDINGS International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-979-16353-7-0

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There are three essential interrelated components in process of learning such as teaching material, the process of how to teach the material and the result of the learning process. There is a gap which is felt and faced as the lack of the effective and appropriate approach to conduct the learning process. Most teachers only consider the material and the result of learning so they are only busy to determine the goals which must be achieved, arrange the teaching materials, and then design the instrument of evaluation. Unfortunately, one important thing and it is always forgotten is how to design the process of learning well in order to combine between material and the result of learning. The type of research is experiment research; it purposes to find out the probability cause effect in order to know the interrelated variables, then to see the influence of those variables. In order to find the needed data, then it is conducted interview method, observation, documentation, and test. The technique of analysis data which is used is independent sample t-test with SPPSS program 16. The result of the influence of the method of edutainment towards the achievement of learning mathematics of the elementary students will be very helpful for them in learning mathematics especially the material of area of flat space so the result of the average score between the method of edutainment and conventional method based on the counting data shows that the t-value is 3.06 with the probability (significance) as 0.004 < 0.05. It means that there is a difference average between the methods of edutainment and the conventional method towards the sixth grade students of SDN I and SDN II Tanjungsari Boyolangu Tulungagung. Based of the data analysis that there is an influence of the use of method of edutainment towards the students’ achievement mathematics result of students of SDN Tanjungsari is 17.8. It can be said that from the average analysis data, the experiment score (using method of edutainment) is 70.56 whereas the mean score of control class (using the conventional method) is 52.76 so there is significance as 17.8. Thus the method of edutainment influences towards the students’ achievement mathematics of SDN I Tanjungsari, Boyolangu, Tulungagung Key words: Method of edutainment, achievement of learning

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Prosiding > KNPM 2011
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) > Pendidikan Matematika > Pendidikan Matematika
Depositing User: Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2012 07:59
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2012 07:59

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