Mega, Rusitha and Agus, Purwanto (2014) THE STUDY OF HARMONY ON TRIAD KEY C IN C MAJOR. Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014. (Submitted)

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The purpose of this research was to know the pattern of correlation of the triad key C in C major that was generated by an acoustic guitar. This research was started with a recorded sound of an acoustic guitar in the key of C with the plucked technique. The research samples were recorded by using the software of SpectraPLUS 5.0. From the data it was taken samples of 5 periods. Then the data were analyzed using Matlab R2010 to obtain the spectrum in every sound signal. The sample was correlated by using Microsoft Office Excel 2013. The correlation result was then presented in a correlation graphics with the x-axis as a number of shift and y-axis as a correlation value. The correlation result showed harmony pattern on each triad in the scale of C major. Content of the signal spectra, showed frequencies and amplitudes. The higher the number of similar frequency content of the two notes in a triad, the more comfortable the two notes were listened to. Amplitude in each harmonics affected the correlation value. The higher the amplitude the greater the correlation value. The lower the amplitude the smaller the correlation value. The number of data of cutted signal also affected the precision of position of the maximum of cross-correlation between two notes in a triad. The correlation concept can be used to prove the level of similarity between two signals in a triad.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: spectrum, correlation, harmony
Subjects: Prosiding > ICRIEMS 2014 > PHYSICS & PHYSICS EDUCATION
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) > Pendidikan Fisika > Fisika
Depositing User: Eprints
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2014 04:28
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2014 04:28

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