relation: title: PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BOARDGAME UNTUK PENGENALAN ANGKA DAN HURUF PADA ANAK USIA DINI DI PAUD BIANGLALA creator: PUTRA, MUHAMMAD RIZQI PRANATA subject: Teknologi Pendidikan description: This study aims to develop board game learning media to improve recognition of numbers and letters in early childhood at Biang Lala Preschool This studi was research and development based on the APPED model from Herman Dwi Surjono (2017). The subjects involved in this study were 6 people, consisting of two teachers and four students during the beta test process. Two teachers became respondents in the product usability test and four students in the learning attractiveness test. The validator consists of two media experts. The data source of this research were data on board game learning media that is suitable for learning material about numbers and letters for early childhood, data on the analysis of problems and needs, data on the feasibility of board game products from technical and content aspects, data on product benefits, and data on product usefulness. the attractiveness of learning. The data collection instruments were product feasibility scale by media experts, a product practicality questionnaire by a teacher, a product usefulness questionnaire, and a learning interest questionnaire. The data were analyzed quantitively by using descriptive statistics, such as presenting data using tables and graphs. The results show that the product of this research is in the form of a board game learning media to improve understanding of numbers and letters for early childhood at Bianglala Preschool. The product is feasible for use in the learning process in the classroom. Based on product validation by experts, Board game media is declared feasible. The level of product feasibility from the technical aspect is 4.79, and the content aspect is 4.55. Based on the usefulness response questionnaire by the teacher, the product is feasible for teachers in delivering learning material. The product usability test score is 4.75. The usefulness of the product from the students’ point of view can be seen from the level of interest in learning during implementing the product. It shows that its level is higher than before using the product. date: 2022-08-22 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: PUTRA, MUHAMMAD RIZQI PRANATA (2022) PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BOARDGAME UNTUK PENGENALAN ANGKA DAN HURUF PADA ANAK USIA DINI DI PAUD BIANGLALA. S2 thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan.