%T RANK SHIFTS IN ENGLISH-BAHASA INDONESIA SUBTITLE OF THE KING’S SPEECH MOVIE %D 2012 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %L UNY6740 %X This study aims at analyzing the rank shifts that occur in English-Bahasa Indonesia subtitle of the King’s Speech. There are three objectives of this study. The first is to describe the types of rank shifts in English-Bahasa Indonesia translation of the King’s Speech. The second is to find the degree of the meaning equivalence of the occurring rank shifts. The last is to find the inferences that can be drawn from the occurring rank shift and degree of meaning equivalence. This study used qualitative descriptive approach and it was supported by table showing the frequencies of occurrences. The objects and data of this study were all characters’ utterances in the subtitle of the King’s Speech which contained the sentences of rank shifts. Researcher was the primary instrument of this study and data sheets were the secondary instrument. The first findings about the occurrences of types of rank shifts show that downward rank shifts occur 169 cases of 293 cases, or about 57.7% while upward rank shifts have lower frequency. They occur 124 cases of 293 cases, or about 42.3%. The occurrence of rank shift also influences the transferring meaning from the SL into the TL. The second findings about the occurrences of the degree of meaning equivalence of the occurring rank shifts show that the equivalent meaning is the most prominent with its percentage of 99%. The third findings about the inferences that can be drawn between the occurring rank shifts and degree of meaning equivalence show that there are three reasons of the occurring rank shifts and the effects of rank shifts on the text. This study explains that the causes of the rank shifts are to achieve meaning accuracy, to achieve the meaning effectiveness, and to achieve equivalent TL grammar from the SL grammar. The causes of the rank shifts have affected the text itself which is related to readability. Because of the readability, the readers can read the text easily. Thus, rank shifts can be a way in translation to make the subtitle readable and then helps the movie goers enjoy the story of the film. %A SONNY PRIMADANI HASANNUDIN