relation: title: EFFECTIVENESS OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TYPE MAKE A MATCH TOWARDS ACCOUNTING LEARNING OUTCOMES OF XII SOCIAL SCIENCE GRADERS SMA NEGERI 4 YOGYAKARTA ACADEMIC YEAR 2018/2019 creator: Annisa, sabirina Bil Husna subject: Pendidikan (Umum) subject: Akuntansi description: ABSTRACT This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in effectiveness of cooperative learning model type Make a Match compared to the conventional learning model on accounting subjects in terms accounting learning outcomes of XII Social Science students State Senior High School 4 Yogyakarta Academic Year 2018/2019. This research is quasi experimental with design is Pretest Posttest Design Group Control. The population in this study was all students of class XII Social Science State Senior High School 4 Yogyakarta. The Sampling is done by non probability sampling with purposive sampling technique and the result is class XII IPS 1 as the experimental group and class XII IPS 2 as the control group. The data collection technique used learning outcomes and documentation. The data analysis technique used independent sample t-test. The results showed that there is difference in the effectiveness of cooperative learning model type Make a Match compared to conventional learning model on accounting subjects in terms accounting learning outcomes. This evidenced by the t test with the results of tcount greater than the value of ttable (2.449>2.006) with a significance is 0.018 and the average final learning outcome (posttest) in the experimental group is 74.88, while in the control group is 66.90. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Annisa, sabirina Bil Husna (2019) EFFECTIVENESS OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TYPE MAKE A MATCH TOWARDS ACCOUNTING LEARNING OUTCOMES OF XII SOCIAL SCIENCE GRADERS SMA NEGERI 4 YOGYAKARTA ACADEMIC YEAR 2018/2019. S1 thesis, Pendidikan Akuntansi.