%J Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014 %D 2014 %I Yogyakarta State University %T THE PROFILE OF TEACHER’ QUESTIONS ON MATHEMATICS LESSONS IN IX CLASS STUDENTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT SMPLB YKAB SURAKARTA %L UNY11573 %A Sutriningsih Naning %A Suherman Suherman %A Khoiriyah Siti %X The teacher’ questions in mathematics leassons influence the pattern of interaction and students’ thinking skills. Therefore, this study presented here aims at analysing questions asked during mathematics lessons, subsequently used as a reference in improving the learning process of mathematics. To achieve the research objectives descriptive research design that describes the types of teacher’ questions. The sample is SMPLB IX grade math teacher YKAB Surakarta. The data obtained by observation method assisted by the recording of teaching learning process. Data analysis was carried out in a series of processes: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. From the analysis of the data obtained the following results: (1) reviewed from the type of academic-nonacademic questions, found that in mathematics lessons much as 154 questions, consists of 147 (95,45%) of academic questions and 7 (4,55%) nonacademic questions. (2) reviewed from the type of closed-open questions, found that in mathematics lessons consists of 2 (1,36%) of open questions dan 145 (98,64%) closed questions. (3) in terms of the types of questions related to cognitive processes, found that in mathematics there are as many as 61 (41.78%) factual knowledge questions, 54 (36.98%) conceptual knowledge questions, and 31 (21.23%) procedural knowledge questions. %K teacher’ questions, types of teacher’ questions in mathematics leassons, mathematics leassons of students with visual impairment