%X The purpose of making Mobile Robot Pemantau Benda Mencurigakan Menggunakan Android Smartphone sebagai IP Webcam dengan komunikasi Wi- Fi dan bluetooth berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega 8 is to create tools that can send video and audio data in realtime with practical shape and size, so that it can be used to help on facing the critical situation as regard human safety, for example it is operated by explosive men when there is something judged as a bom, so users can see nearly the condition of the comprimising thing without break the welfare and to take the next actions. Mobile Robot Pemantau Benda Mencurigakan Menggunakan Android Smartphone sebagai IP Webcam dengan komunikasi Wi-Fi dan bluetooth berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega 8 is arranged to send video and audio in realtime that can control the movement. This tool can work through notebooks that is connected to the robotic mobile through bluetooth and android smartphones sends a video to notebook through wifi as an output, the control of this tool is done by the users using a notebook. This method consists of some steps. They are (1) needs identifications, (2) needs analysis, (3) arrangement of hardware and software, (4) making the tools, (5) tools testing, (6) operation of the tools. Hardware consists of (1) Amega8 minimum system as the main control, (2) smartphone camera records and sends video and audio data to the browser, (3) bluetooth as control commmunication of the robotic mobile movement, (4) wifi as the communication video and audio data from smartphones to notebooks, (5) battery functions as to share voltage of systems to robotic mobile in order to it can move flexible. Based on the experimental-test result it can be concluded that this prototype can work appropriate to the works principal arranged. That is showed when the system is started to flame, the bloetooth is connected well and the hyperterminal can give the direction input based on the program and the output view on the browser Moila Firefox has finished based on the taken data. Keywords : Bluetooth, Atmega8, Smartphone Android %D 2013 %T MOBILE ROBOT PEMANTAU BENDA MENCURIGAKAN MENGGUNAKAN ANDROID SMARTPHONE SEBAGAI IP WEBCAM DENGAN KOMUNIKASI Wi-Fi DAN BLUETOOTH BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER ATMEGA8 %L UNY9986 %I UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA