%0 Thesis %9 S1 %A Ronanda Ayu, Wulandari %A Titik Sudartinah, S.S, M.A., %A Siti Mukminatun, S.S, M.Hum., %A Drs. Suhaini M Saleh, M.A., %A Erna Andriyanti M. Hum., %B FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SASTRA %D 2012 %F UNY:9676 %I UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA %K Sociolinguisticanalysis, swearing, types of swearing, reasons of swearing,and social class %T A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF SWEARING INFROM PARIS WITH LOVEMOVIE %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/9676/ %X This research examines swearing occurring in From Paris with Love movie using a sociolinguistic approach. The research is aimed to analyze the types of swearing, reasons of swearing, and the relationship between swearing and social class which are portrayed fromFrom Paris with Lovemovie. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The data were dialogues containing swearwords uttered by the characters in the movie and the context surrounding the interaction. Meanwhile, the source of the research was divided into two, i.e. primary source and secondary source. The primary source of the data was From Paris with Lovemovie. Then, the secondary source was the script ofFrom Paris with Lovemovie downloaded from the internet. The primary research instrument was the researcher herself. She acted as the planner, the data collector, the data analyzer, and the data reporter of the research. The secondary instrument was the data sheet. To ensure the trustworthiness of the data, this research applied triangulations by applying source triangulation and investigator triangulation.The findings of the research show that the types of swearing found in From Paris with Lovemovie could be categorized into 4 (four). The first type is Expletive Swearing (ES) with 25 data (23.8%). The second is AbusiveSwearing (ABS)with 53data(50.5%). The third is Humorous Swearing (HS)with 11data (10.5%). The last one, Auxiliary Swearing (AUS), has16 data (15.2%).The findings show that Abusive Swearing is the dominant type because swearing is mostly used to abuse someone else. Based on the reasons of swearing, only expressing emotions reason which occurs, which furthermore is specified into 6 (six) reasons. The first reason is to express frustration or anger with 36 data (34.3%). The second is to express surprise or shock with 21data(20%). The third is to shock with 8 data(7.6%). The fourth is to amuse with 5 data(4.8%). The fifth is to insult with 27 data(25.7%). The last one is to assert identity in a group or indicate friendship with 8data(7.6%). These findings show that the dominant reason influencing people to swear is to express frustration or anger. The last finding illustrates that people coming from upper class swear to people who belong to the middle class, middle class to middle class, middle class to low class, and low class to middle class. Thus, it shows that people who belong to upper class tendto swear to people who come from the class under them because they have power to control people under them. Key words:Sociolinguisticanalysis, swearing, types of swearing, reasons of swearing,and social class