@phdthesis{UNY9253, month = {October}, title = {TEXTUAL MEANING BREADTH VARIATION OF F. S. FIZTGERALD?S THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON AND F. CHOTIMAH?S KISAH ANEH BENJAMIN BUTTON TEXTS}, author = {Arvianti Gilang Fadhilia }, school = {UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA}, year = {2012}, keywords = {thematic variation, textual meaning breadth variation, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/9253/}, abstract = {This research is aimed (1) to describe the textual meaning breadth variation represented in F. S. Fiztgerald?s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and F. Chotimah?s Kisah Aneh Benjamin Button and to describe the most prominent category of textual meaning breadth variation, (2) to describe which text is in a higher degree in its textual meaning breadth, and (3) to explain the contextual factors that motivate the occurrence of the textual meaning breadth variation. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative. The data were taken from the original novel of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button written by F. S. Fiztgerald and the translated novel, Kisah Aneh Benjamin Button by F. Chotimah. Meanwhile, the main research instrument was the researcher herself. The secondary instrument was the data sheet which supported the observation of the data. Credibility and dependability criteria were used in this study to achieve the trustworthiness. The general conclusion can be drawn as (1) the global overall variation is the average of the degree variation at a whole. The mean of the data is 7.065 and it falls in the interval 5-10. The global overall variation lies in degree variation scale ?1?. The most prominent category in the whole data is variation scale ?0?. It is supported by the finding of the most prominent category or the highest occurrence of textual meaning. From 701 clauses there are 461 clauses or 65.76\% which has the lowest degree of variation. It means that most of the data have equal thematic variation and the source text clauses are mostly realized in the target text. (2) It is found that 65.91\% of the data have the equal degree of meaning breadth. It means that most of the data have equal thematic variation and the source clauses are mostly realized in the target text. (3) In this research, the factors that motivate the occurrence of the variation of the data are intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors. The nature of language also becomes the considerations in the novel that also encourages the variation. The similarity of the existence of the simple clauses in both texts implies the similarity of the type and the number element. In this research, Text 1 is the inter-textual context of Text 2 as Text 1 motivates the behavior of Text 2. Since Text 2 does not influence and motivate Text 1, the situational context, the field, the tenor, and the mode, of Text 2 are the same as Text 1. The sentence structure and message of the Text 1 are conveyed clearly in Text 2 without many modifications and shifting. Key words: thematic variation, textual meaning breadth variation, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors.} }