%0 Thesis %9 S1 %A MUHAMMAD, IHWANUDIN %A SAMSUL MAARIF, M.A., %A NUNIK SUGESTI, S.Pd., M.Hum., %A Drs. SUHAINI MUHAMMAD SALEH, M.A., %A RAHMI D. ANDAYANI, M.Pd., %B FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI %D 2012 %F UNY:8351 %I UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA %T THE TYPES OF STUDENTS’ RESPONSES TO THE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS BY USING MULTIMEDIA IN GRADE X OF SMA 2 KEBUMEN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2009/2010 %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/8351/ %X Considering the importance of students’ responses toward teaching and learning, especially in the English teaching and learning process using multimedia, the research was aimed at finding out the students’ responses in the English teaching and learning process using multimedia. Two research questions were formulated. They are (1) what the types and media’s roles used in the English teaching and learning of Class X of SMA 2 Kebumen are? (2) What the characteristics of students’ responses of SMA 2 Kebumen to English teaching and learning process by using multimedia are like? This research was conducted by using a descriptive method. The participants of the research were the first grade students of SMA N2 Kebumen. The source of the data were students’ responses, activities, or behaviors during the English teaching and learning process. The key instrument of the research was the researcher himself. The methods of data collecting were in the form of (1) field note, (2) questionaire, (3) interview. The researcher took the field note during the English and teaching and learning process. Then the researcher also distributed questionaires and interviewed some students to get deeper and valid data about their responses. Based on the analysis of students’ responses toward the English teaching and learning using multimedia, it was figured out that the responses consisted of verbal responses and nonverbal responses. Those verbal responses were asking to the teacher, answering the question, chatting, practicing, and singing. The nonverbal responses were tapping the table, paying attention, daydreaming, walking, writting, etc. Those responses were categorized into two categories, i.e positive and negative responses. The total of positive responses were 67% and the total of negative responses were 33%. The positive responses were answering questions, performing speaking, discussing materials, asking the teacher, being silent, doing the exercise, and opening dictionaries while the negative responses were chatting, day dreaming, walking in the room, hitting friends, and tapping the table. Therefore, it was important to know what form of responses belonged to positive and negative since they affect the English teaching and learning process. Verbal responses were not always seen as negative responses and vise versa.