%L UNY8219 %A ALITIYANI EDITA RINA %X The objectives of this research are to identify how the Chinese-American mothers deal with hybrid identity, to observe how their daughters deal with hybrid identity, and to reveal the cultural clash that occurs between the mothers and the daughters. This research is a qualitative research in which content analysis is used to analyze Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club. The objects of this research are sentences and phrases from the novel The Joy Luck Club, whether it is stated in the dialogues or narration regarding the issues of hybridity and cultural clash. The data were collected through close reading and rereading technique towards the novel The Joy Luck Club in reference to the focus of the research. There were three steps applied in analyzing the data; they are classifying the data, interpreting the data, and making conclusions. Finally, to prove the validity of the data, triangulation technique was used. There are three important points in this research. First, because the mothers were raised in Chinese way, their ways in dealing with hybrid identity are influenced by Chinese culture more. Those ways are maintaining Chinese origin, preserving Chinese values, preserving Chinese beliefs, being different from American people, and being influenced by American culture. Second, the daughters were raised inside the American society so their ways in dealing with hybrid identity are influenced by American culture more. Those ways are ignoring Chinese values, denying Chinese origin, maintaining American way of thinking, ignoring Chinese language, and accepting Chinese origin. Third, because of the cultural difference between them, the mothers and daughters often experience cultural clash. The most dominant fields of cultural clashes found in The Joy Luck Club are in rearing system, education and career, and partner selection. %T HYBRID IDENTITY AND CULTURAL CLASH AS REFLECTED IN CHINESE-AMERICAN MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS IN AMY TAN’S THE JOY LUCK CLUB %I UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA %D 2012