%0 Journal Article %@ 978-979-16353-8-7 %A Lina, Wulandari %A Nurhadi Waryanto, M.Eng %D 2012 %F UNY:8109 %I Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY %J Kontribusi Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika dalam Membangun Karakter Guru dan Siswa %K Inkuiri, Cabri 3D %P 1-8 %T PEMANFAATAN CABRI 3D DALAM MEDIA INTERAKTIF BERBASIS INKUIRI PADA MATERI BANGUN RUANG SISI DATAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN CARA BERPIKIR KRITIS SISWA KELAS VIII SMP %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/8109/ %X In general, the use of computers in school, specially in teaching and learning process is still limited to CIT subject while its use for the other subjects including mathematics is not optimal. The model that used in teaching and learning process is still traditional model. Inquiry is constructivism model, the activities that included here are identify and clarify problems, collect, organize, interpret, and change the information. One of media that can help teachers and students in teaching and learning process is computer. In mathematics teaching and learning process, there is a software that can help students to learn geometry in Junior High School, specially in investigation about the characteristics and parts of flat polyhedron, it is Cabri 3D. It can be equipped with students worksheets so students can achieve the competencies that required by curriculum This study aims to develop the computer-based mathematics learning media using inquiry model helped by Cabri 3D to enhance student’s creativity and critical thingking skill in second grade of Junior High School. The type of this study is research and development by ADDIE model that uses five stages of development, they are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The evaluation is done at each stage to get feed back that used in the next phase. The evaluation that is done in development stage is evaluation sheets of media by media and material validator, students achievement test, interview guidance, questionnaire, and student’s responses. This study has produced five students worksheets with inquiry model that helped by Cabri 3D with the total average of media validation is 3,52 or valid and the total average of material validation is 3,56 Key Word: Inkuiri, Cabri 3D