@article{UNY81, journal = {Proceeding International Conference On Sport Yogyakarta}, author = {Rumpis Agus Sudarko}, title = {COMPETITIVES SPORTS PROFILES OF YOGYAKARTA}, publisher = {FIK UNY}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/81/}, abstract = {This study aims to determine the pattern of achievement in sports coaching in Yogyakarta, knowing the pattern of performance of the sport organizations, knowing the sport competitive and leading sports characteristics. This research use descriptive analytical method with the unit of Nasioanl Indonesian Sports Committee (KONI) of Yogyakarta. The methods that will be used in data collection is a survey by questionnaire technique / questionnaires, study documentation and interviews. The data obtained will be qualitative descriptive analysis. The research has provided the readiness figure of KONI Yogyakarta in 2008 in PON XVII at East Kalimantan to obtain the best possible performance with the target in investing medal match of competitive sport. Competitive sport consists of competitive priority I. It consists of 4 branches of motor sport racing, Racing Bike, Climbing, and Flying kites. Leading to the Second Priority consists of 4 branches of the Umbrella Falls, Archery, Body Building, and Billiards} }