eprintid: 78085 rev_number: 9 eprint_status: archive userid: 1290 dir: disk0/00/07/80/85 datestamp: 2023-06-16 06:36:13 lastmod: 2023-06-16 06:39:05 status_changed: 2023-06-16 06:36:13 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Mahir, Imam creators_name: Soenarto, Soenarto title: Model of Vocational Guidance Management System for Vocational High School. ispublished: pub subjects: D3 divisions: pps_teknik full_text_status: restricted keywords: information technology, model, vocational guidance abstract: Currently, graduates of vocational high school (VHS) face the challenge that they have abilities to work with current skills and need vocational guidance. Based on the initial observation in the VHS in Jakarta Province, there are some severe weaknesses in practical vocational guidance. First, VHS students lack awareness and motivation of their potentialities and the world of work. Second, the student career service practice is far from being ideal. Third, the weakness of vocational career maturity of VHS students. This study aims to develop a vocational guidance management system (VGMS) model based on information technology for vocational high schools, which is also linked to the labor market system. This research uses the research and development (R & D) methodology by Gall, Borg, and Gall (2003). Following this method, the model is developed from the planning stage, initial testing, field testing until the final model is obtained. This development research has built information technology based on the model of VGMS's architecture consisting of hardware, software, cloud, network, and database. This testing phase involved students, teachers, and counselors at SMKN 26 Jakarta and SMKN 60 Jakarta as research subjects. The data were quantitative and qualitative in nature. The quantitative data were obtained through questionnaires, and qualitative data were obtained through interviews. The results show that the developed model of VGMS can be applied in the vocational guidance process where there is an interaction between parties involved and information technology to achieve career maturity of vocational students. Overall, this VGMS model includes the process of personal data inventory, occupational information, guidance and counseling, multi-competency training, recruitment and placement, follow-up, and evaluation. The parties involved in the VGMS include internal parties (students, school leaders, counselors, industrial affairs staff cooperation and relations, employment service center staff, alumni affair staff), and external parties (parents and industry). In carrying out the model process, the parties involved use information technology to get easier access and better accountability. Overall, the VGMS model is feasible and reliable to the vocational guidance process in vocational high school. 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