<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES\r\nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS\r\nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA\r\nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013"^^ . "This study aims to describe perception of tutor to student skills practice\r\nin the implementation of the learning process PPL SMK Piri 1 Yogyakarta in the\r\nacademic year 2012/2013. Students in an effort to prepare myself as a\r\nprofessional teacher candidates must master a variety of skills to carry out the\r\nprocess of learning the skills of open learning, skills to master the material, skills\r\nof presenting the material, classroom management skills, closing skills lessons.\r\nThis study uses a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The\r\ndata collection technique using a questionnaire filled out by the respondents\r\ncovered the entire guidance counselor at SMK Piri 1 Yogyakarta academic year\r\n2012/2013 were 26 teacher mentors. To test the validity of the instrument using\r\nthe product moment correlation, and for testing the reliability of the instrument\r\nusing Cronbach alpha. The data analysis technique used is descriptive and\r\nstatistical techniques for tendency classification is divided into three categories:\r\nhigh, medium, and low. Processing data using SPSS 17 for windows.\r\nThe results of this study tutor perceptions on the implementation of\r\nlearning practices of students PPL Yogyakarta State University academic year\r\n2012/2013 are included in the category with the total percentage in the high\r\ncategory and the category was 73.08% which includes skills lesson opens with a\r\ntotal percentage in the high category and category at 76.92%, the skill to master\r\nthe material with a total percentage in the high category and the category was\r\n61.54%, the skill deliver material with a total percentage in the high category and\r\nthe category was 69.23%, classroom management skills with the total percentage\r\nof the category high and medium category, 73.08%, and closing skills with a total\r\npercentage of subjects in the high category and the category was 73.08%, while\r\n26.92% as included in the category of low-this is because the students do not have\r\nexperience teaching practices and lack of control of components -components in\r\nthe implementation of learning, especially in the ability to master and deliver the\r\nmaterial so that the interaction with the students is not maximized."^^ . "2012" . . . "UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA PRODI PEND. TEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Larasati"^^ . "Niken Ayu"^^ . "Larasati Niken Ayu"^^ . . . . . . "PERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES\r\nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS\r\nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA\r\nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013 (Text)"^^ . . . "ABSTRACT.pdf"^^ . . . "PERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES\r\nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS\r\nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA\r\nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "PERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES\r\nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS\r\nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA\r\nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES\r\nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS\r\nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA\r\nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES\r\nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS\r\nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA\r\nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES\r\nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS\r\nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA\r\nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013 (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #7639 \n\nPERSEPSI GURU PEMBIMBING TERHADAP PROSES \nPEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA PRAKTIK PPL UNIVERSITAS \nNEGERI YOGYAKARTA DI SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA \nTAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Teknik Elektronika" . .