%0 Generic %A Sriwahyunianti, Ch. Fajar %A Danardono %F UNY:75 %T PERSEPSI MAHASISWA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN KEPELATIHAN OLAHRAGA TERHADAP PAKET SENAM AEROBIK PRODUK FIK %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/75/ %X This research aims at investigating the students’ perception on aerobic gymnastics as one of the products of Faculty of Sport Science so that the aerobic gymnastics could be socialized. The package of aerobic gymnastics is not socialized, the movements in the aerobic gymnastics are still based on the theories and consulted to some experts but it is not tried out to the community. To socialize the package of aerobic gymnastics, it should be tried out to the community. To make the try out easier, the researcher used freshmen as the subject of this research since it was assumed that they could not perform any gymnastics at all so that they could represent the community. This is descriptive research using the survey method. The instrument used in this research study was in the form of questionnaires. The subjects involved in this research were the students of Department of Coaching Education class 2005 who took the subject of Gerak Dasar Renang (Basic Swimming Movement). The samples in this study were determined through purposive sampling. The data were descriptive using the Likert scale. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results of this study show that the students’ perception on the package of aerobic gymnastics as one of the products of the Faculty of Sport Science was good. It could be seen from the results which show that there were 5 students stated poor, 45 students stated good, and 5 students stated very good. Thus, it can be concluded that the package of aerobic gymnastics as one of the products of the Faculty of Sport Science could be socialized.