@phdthesis{UNY74580, month = {October}, title = {PENGARUH FREKUENSI PELATIHAN, PENGALAMAN MENGAJAR DAN PANGKAT/ GOLONGAN TERHADAP PROFESIONALITAS GURU SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI DI KECAMATAN BOROBUDUR}, author = {Muhammad Adifan}, school = {Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2020}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/74580/}, keywords = {pelatihan, pegalaman mengajar, pangkat/golongan, profesionalitas}, abstract = {This research aims to describe (1) the influence of training frequency on the professionality of elementary school teachers in Borobudur District; (2) the influence of teaching experience on the professionality of state elementary school teachers in Borobudur District; (3) the influence of rank/groups on the professionality of state elementary school teachers in Borobudur District; (4) and the influence of training frequency, teaching experience, and rank/groups on the professionality of state elementary school teachers in Borobudur District. This type of research is quantitative correlational. The population in this research was 150 elementary school teachers in Borobudur District. Then the sample taken was 97 teachers. The number of samples is determined based on the table determining the number of samples of Isaac and Michael from a particular population with an error level of 10\%. The principle of sampling uses proportionate stratified random sampling, namely elementary school teachers in Borobudur Subdistrict who have rank/groups: II/a, II/b, II/c, III/a, III/b, III/c, III/d, or IV/a. Technique data collection using a closed questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis techniques used for analysis prerequisite tests are normality test, linearity test, and multicollinearity test. Then the technical data analysis for hypothesis testing using simple regression and multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that (1) the variable professionalism of public elementary school teachers in Borobudur Subdistrict is explained by 38.5\% by the variable teacher training frequency; (2) the variable professionalism of public elementary school teachers in Borobudur Subdistrict is explained by 6.9\% by the variable teacher teaching experience; (3) the variable professionalism of public elementary school teachers in Borobudur Subdistrict is explained by 8.4\% by the teacher rank / class variable; and (4) he variable professionalism of public elementary school teachers in Borobudur Subdistrict is explained by 46.8\% by the variable of training frequency, teaching experience, and rank / grade of teachers} }