%I Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan %D 2020 %T UPAYA PUSTAKAWAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS LAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN DI SMA NEGERI 1 BANTUL %L UNY74477 %X This research aimed to investigate and describe about: (1) the effort of the librarian in improving the quality of library service in 1 Bantul Senior High School, (2) the obstacle faced by librarian in improving the quality of library service in 1 Bantul Senior High School, (3) the solution done by librarian in improving the quality of library service in 1 Bantul Senior High School. This was a qualitative descriptive research conducted in 1 Bantul Senior High School on December 2019 – February 2020. The subjects of the research were the vice principal of public relation, librarians, teachers, staffs, and students. The data was collected by interview, observation, and documentation. The data was analyzed using Miles and Huberman Model. The validity test is done using the triangulation of techniques and sources. The results are : (1) the efforts of the librarian in improving the quality of library service in 1 Bantul Senior High School is done by: (a) giving an user education services for new students during orientation, (b) providing the best sercive by completing the library materials, improving the facilities and infrastructure, and providing learning service in the library, (c) providing comfort for user, (d) building a teamwork with the school residents and library partner school, (e) improving communication among librarian, and (f) educating the librarian. (2) The obstacles faced by librarian in improving the quality of library service are: (a) lack of collection of library materials, (b) limited funding, and (c) lack of human resources as librarian. (3) the solutions done by librarian in improving the quality of library service are: (a) receiving book donation from students, teachers, staffs, and library partner, (b) advocating the policy related to the funding allocation for library, and (c) cooperating with the principal, teachers, staffs, and students in improving the library service. %A Ariyani Nur Rahmawati %K Upaya pustakawan, Kualitas layanan, Perpustakaan