%K evaluasi program, sumber belajar, pendukung pembelajaran, program menabung, program e-jimpitan %X This study was an evaluative study using CIPP evaluation model. This study aims to evaluate the achievement of e-jimpitan programs at State Vocational High School 2 of Magelang. E-jimpitan programs is a form pages created by the local area network as daily saving practice and managed by mini bank of school as a supplementary learning resource. This study evaluates four components which includes 1) aspect of context, 2) aspect of input, 3) aspect of process and 4) aspect of product. This study was conducted at State Vocational High School 2 of Magelang with the principal, manager of e-jimpitan programs and 10th grade accounting student as interviewees. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documents study. The validity and reability of the instrument used triangulation. Data analyzing used Miles, Huberman and Saldana models. The result showed that the achievement of implementation program from 1) context‟s aspect based on the background and objective was categorized as a good with 87,5 point, 2) input‟s aspect which consist of (a) student qualification was categorized as a good, (b) person in charge of program qualification was categorized as less, (c) curriculum was categorized as good, (d) facilities and infrastructure were complete and adequate. So, input‟s aspect of e-jimpitan programs was categorized as good at 85 point, 3) process‟s aspect which consist of (a) method and media was categorized as good at 100 point, (b) schedule suitability was categorized less at 75 point. So, process‟s aspect was categorized as good at 87,5 point, 4) aspect of product which consist of qualitative and quantitative student learning was categorized as good at 90 point. %A Ariesta Indah Puji Astuti %L UNY74474 %I Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan %D 2020 %T EVALUASI PROGRAM SEKOLAH E-JIMPITAN SEBAGAI PENDUKUNG SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN DI SMK NEGERI 2 MAGELANG