@phdthesis{UNY74440, author = {Whana Yanuarti}, title = {MOTIVASI KERJA GURU DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN DAN PENYIARAN ISLAM SEMOYO KECAMATAN PATUK KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL}, month = {September}, year = {2017}, school = {Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/74440/}, keywords = {Motivasi , Kerja, Guru}, abstract = {The purpose of this research in general is to describe work motivation of resident teachers and non-resident teachers in MI YAPPI Semoyo, Patuk Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul District, motivating factor and demotivating factor of work motivation of resident teachers and non-resident teachers in MI YAPPI Semoyo, Patuk Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul District. This research is a descriptive research applying the qualitative approach. The collecting data method is done by doing interview, documenting, and doing observation. The data validity test is done through triangulation of sources and triangulation of technique. Data analysis is done through interactive analysis technique Matthew B Miles A Michel Huberman. The result of work motivation of teacher is described in detail as follow: (1) It is seen from work motivation of teachers that teachers have work enthusiast to make syllabus and lesson plan, have initiative to create instructional media, have courage to be a creative public figure, and have responsibility to do the work. (2) The motivating factor of work motivation of teacher from internal aspect is that their education background fulfills the qualifications. From the facilities and infrastructures, though there are still limitations, does not interfere the learning process. The level of teachers? work satisfaction is still low. However, teachers still have strong motivation. Meanwhile, from external aspect that is work environment, the teachers support each other and give motivation to reach their target. The compensation they get is classified well enough. The principal?s leadership is good, shown by having a discussion before starting the class. The school rules also support them to act and speak properly. (3) The demotivating factor of work motivation of teacher from internal aspect is that they do not have any obstacles of themselves to work. The obstacle from external aspect is there are a lot of schools, so that teachers take the initiative to show the superiority of Madrasah so that people are interested to send their children.} }