<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \r\nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \r\nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN"^^ . "The objectives of this research are: (1) to describe the role of elementary \r\nschool inspectors in the implementation of professional competence development \r\nin elementary school teachers, (2) to point out the obstacles in the implementation \r\nof professional competence development in elementary school teachers, (3) to find \r\nsolutions to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of professional \r\ncompetence development in elementary school teachers.\r\nThis research used qualitative approach. The data were collected through \r\ninterviews, documentation, and observation. The validity of the data was tested \r\nusing data source triangulation. The sources of the data were the inspectors, the \r\nheadmasters, and the teachers of Cluster III Babarsari.\r\nThe results of this research were as follow. (1) The roles of inspectors in \r\nthe implementation of professional competence development in elementary school \r\nteachers are as observers, supervisors, evaluators, and performers of follow-up. \r\nThe implementation of professional competence development in elementary school \r\nteachers is conducted individually and in groups. Individually, it is conducted \r\nthrough supervising activities. It is also conducted in groups through Kelompok \r\nKerja Guru (Teacher Workgroup), workshops, trainings, and seminars.(2) The \r\nobstacles in the implementation of development are: lack of school visitation \r\nintensity; disproportionate ratio of inspectors and the schools they inspect; lack of \r\nvariations in delivering development materials; lack of medium of development \r\nother than Teacher Workgroup; and lack of facilities.(3)The solutions found to \r\novercome obstacles in development programs were: the inspectors should be able \r\nto work with headmasters, education authorities, and institutions to optimize \r\nTeacher Workgroup to its quality standards; the education authorities should \r\nemploy more inspectors according to the government regulations; the \r\ndevelopment programs should vary in delivering the materials; implementation of \r\nadditional activities such as workshops, In House Training (IHT) application, and \r\nFocused Group Discussion (FGD); incentives or rewards for teachers who are \r\nactive during the program; and improvement of supervising activities."^^ . "2017-09-29" . . . "Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan"^^ . . . "Administrasi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Fridaniel"^^ . "Purba"^^ . "Fridaniel Purba"^^ . . "UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . "PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \r\nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \r\nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN (Text)"^^ . . . "PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \r\nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \r\nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \r\nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \r\nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \r\nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \r\nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \r\nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \r\nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \r\nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \r\nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #74420 \n\nPERAN PENGAWAS DALAM PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI \nPROFESIONAL GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI GUGUS III BABARSARI \nKECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Administrasi Pendidikan" . .