%D 2022 %I Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan %T PENGEMBANGAN MODUL KETERAMPILAN MEMBACA LANCAR BERBASIS MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES THEORY (MIT) UNTUK SISWA LAMBAN BELAJAR DI KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR INKLUSI TEGALPANGGUNG YOGYAKARTA %L UNY74073 %A Gaby Arnez %X This study aims to: (1) find out the process of developing a module based on Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) to support the learning process of slow learner students' reading skills in grade IV SD (2) to produce a fluent reading learning module based on the proper multiple intelligences theory and (3) Find out the effectiveness of fluent reading skills learning modules based on the theory of multiple intelligences. This research and development uses the ADDIE development model. The trial subjects involved in this study consisted of three slow learners. The three subjects sit at the Tegalpanggung Inclusion State Elementary School level. The data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires, and performance appraisals. The data in this research and development is analyzed using quantitative descriptive which is presented in graphic form. The increase in reading accuracy is known through the Normalized-Gain Test. The results of this study are: (1) word recognition learning module based on multiple intelligence theory which refers to the ADDIE development model. The product consists of an introduction, content and end; an introduction consisting of objectives, benefits and map modules; the contents of the module include sixteen materials divided into four basic sub competencies and translated into four areas of intelligence; evaluation. (2) The results of the material expert I's assessment of the learning module were 3.7 with a fairly suitable category and the material expert II obtained a mean value of 4.01 which was included in the appropriate category and the media expert obtained a mean value of 4.47 with a very suitable category; (3) the effective learning module in improving fluent reading skills is assessed by the increase in the accuracy of reading fluent words with a post test score of 92.6%. %K modul pembelajaran, keterampilan membaca lancar, lamban belajar