            year = {2022},
           month = {August},
          school = {universitas negeri yogyakarta},
          author = {ISTI YULI ASTUTI},
             url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/74028/},
        keywords = {kompetensi TIK guru, pendidikan anak usia dini, pembelajaran era digital},
        abstract = {The development of technology in the digital era affects various aspects of life, one of which is in the field of education. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is very important, especially in supporting learning activities in schools so that the ICT competence of teachers must be considered. This study aims to determine the ICT competence of teachers to support learning activities in Kindergartens in Jetis District, efforts to increase teachers' ICT competencies and determine the factors that influence teachers' ICT abilities in kindergartens in Jetis District, Bantul Regency.
This research used a mixed-method, which had a combination of quantitative research and qualitative research. Quantitative research used survey method with a Likert scale, while qualitative research used interviews, observation, and documentation. The subjects of the quantitative research were 76 Kindergarten teachers in Jetis District, while in the qualitative research were 6 Kindergarten teachers in Jetis District were selected according to the criteria.
The results show that the ICT competence of teachers to support learning activities had an average answer score of 78.92 with a result percentage of 75.88\% concluded in "Enough" category. In the variable of efforts to improve teacher ICT competence, the average answer score is 19.64 or 78.58\% concluded in "Excellent" category. Furthermore, it is known that: 1) There is no relationship or influence between teachers' ICT competence with education level and tenure; 2) There is no relationship or influence between efforts to increase ICT competencies with education level and tenure: 3) There is a relationship or influence between efforts to increase teachers' ICT competencies and teachers' ICT competencies. The results also show the involvement of teachers' ICT competencies in learning such as planning, implementation, and evaluation/assessment of children, the use of supporting applications, efforts or methods, support, motivation to increase teacher ICT competencies, and several factors that hinder the improvement of teacher competencies.}