%0 Thesis %9 S2 %A LATIFAH, CHOIRUNNISA NURUL %A Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, %B pendidikan anak usia dini %D 2022 %F UNY:74000 %I universitas negeri yogyakarta %K Kecerdasan Naturalis, Kecerdasan Kinestetik, Sekolah Berbasis Alam %T TINGKAT KECERDASAN NATURALIS DAN KECERDASAN KINESTETIK ANAK DI SEKOLAH BERBASIS ALAM YOGYAKARTA %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/74000/ %X The study aims to reveal: 1) the level of achievement of Naturalis Intelligence and Kinesthetic Intelligence in Yogyakarta nature-based schools. 2) the differences in Naturalist Intelligence and Kinesthetic Intelligence in nature-based schools Greenschool, Nurul Islam and Aviciena, 3) The effect of nature-based schools on children's naturalist intelligence and the influence of nature-based schools on children's kinesthetic intelligence. This study was a quantitative research with comparison analysis research type the research was conducted at three nature-based schools in Yogyakarta, namely Greenschool, Nurul Islam and Aviciena. This research sampling used simple random technique with a sample of 189 children. Data collection technique used observation sheets (rating scale) with interval of 1-4. The instrument validation was carried theoretical validity and empirical validity which was processed with Perperson Product Moment while the reliability test used Cronbach’s alpha technique. The data analysis of the differences of naturalist and kinesthetic intelligence in naturebased schools in Yogyakarta used One Way Anova, that then it was used to test the comparison of the averages in groups of data and regretion. The results show that, 1) a Naturalist intelligence score at Greenschool has an average value of 119.45, Nurul Islam 117.83 and Aviciena 119.21. The average score of kinesthetic intelligence obtained by each school in Greenschool is is 118,83, Nurul Islam is 120.02 and Aviciena is 118.5. The results of the average score of nature-based schools in Greenschool is 120.9, Nurul Islam is 119.3 and Aviciena is 120.18. 2). There is significant differences between naturalist intelligence in naturebased schools of Greenschool, Nurul Islam and Aviciena (sig 0,004 < 0,05). Furthermore, the results of kinesthetic intelligence level in naturebased school of Greenschool, Nurul Islam and Aviciena show significant differences (sig 0,026 < 0,05). The final result of naturebased schools in Yogyakarta (sig 0,023 < 0,05) shows that there is significant differences among Greenschool, Nurul Islam and Aviciena. 3) there is a significant effect between naturebased schools and children's naturalist intelligence, with a significance value of (R = 0.171; 0.019 p < 0.05 and Fhit value 5.641 > 1.81 Ftabel) and there is a significant effect between nature-based schools and children's kinesthetic intelligence, with a significance value of (R = 143; 0.049 p < 0.05 and Fhit value 3.193>1.81 Ftabel).