@unpublished{UNY73997, month = {August}, author = {Fatchul Fauzi}, title = {PENGARUH BUKU CERITA BERGAMBAR BERBASIS SCIENTIFIC APPROACH DENGAN METODE PROJECT BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN OBSERVASI DAN SIKAP PEDULI LINGKUNGAN SISWA KELAS II SD}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2022}, keywords = {buku cerita bergambar berbasis scientific approach dengan metode project-based learning, keterampilan observasi, sikap peduli lingkungan}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/73997/}, abstract = {This study aims to reveal: (1) the effect of pictorial book based on scientific approach with project based learning method on the observational skill of the 2nd grade students, (2) the effect of pictorial book based on scientific approach with project based learning method on the environmental care attitude of the 2nd grade students, (3) the difference effect of pictorial book based on scientific approach with project based learning method rather than curriculum 2013 book on the observational skill of the 2nd grade students, (4) the difference effect of pictorial book based on scientific approach with project based learning method rather than curriculum 2013 book on the environmental care attitude of the 2nd grade students . It is a quasi-experimental research design with nonequivalent comparison group design. The population was all the 2nd grade student in Banguntapan District. The sample of this study consisted of 263 students from SD N 1 Jambidan, SD N Baturetno, SD N Sampangan, SD N Singosaren, and SD N Jurugentong. The research sample was devided into experiment classes and control classes with cluster random sampling technique. The experiment classes with 130 students used pictorial book based on scientific approach with project-based learning method and control classes with 133 students use curriculum 2013 book. The instruments used observation sheet and environmental care attitude questionnaire. Data analysis technique used Paired Sample t-Test and Independent Sample t-Test with 0,05 of significance level. The result of this study show that: (1) the pictorial book based on scientific approach with project based learning method has an effect on student?s observational skill, (2) the pictorial book based on scientific approach with project based learning method has an effect on student?s environmental care attitude, (3) the effect of pictorial book based is more significant than the curriculum 2013 book on student?s observational skill, (4) the effect of the pictorial book is more positive than curriculum 2013 book on student?s environmental care attitude} }