relation: title: PENGEMBANGAN KALENDER CERITA BERBASIS SOSIOKULTURAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN MEMBACA PEMAHAMAN KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR DI KECAMATAN PONJONG creator: Amalia, Eva subject: Pendidikan Dasar description: This research is a research and development that adapts Borg & Gall steps which consist of ten steps, namely: (1) research and data collection, (2) planning, (3) initial product development, (4) initial field trials, (5) product revisions, (6) main field trials, (7) product revisions, (8) operational field trials, (9) final product revisions, and (10) dissemination. The subjects of the initial / limited field trials were eleven students of SD Trengguno, those of the main field trial were 41 students of SD Genjahan 3 and SD Tegalrejo Baru, the operational field trial involved 61 students of SD Gombang 1, SD Gombang 2, SD Muhammadiyah Bedoyo. The data collection was done using observation, interviews, student response questionnaires, and teacher response questionnaire. The data analysis used trend charts with time series design. The results of this study indicate that the sociocultural-based story calendar met the appropriate criteria according to material experts and media experts. The media expert gave it a score of 4.53 which met the 'very good' criteria. The material expert gave it a score of 4.3 which met the 'very good' criteria. The sociocultural- based story calendar was declared effective and feasible to be used after the initial / limited field trials, main field trials, and operational field trials which held six times at each school and experienced an increase in average results. This result can be seen in the operational field trial score with a score of 65.57, 78.36, 85.90, 89.18, 89.83, and 89.50. Based on these acquisition scores Ho results were rejected or the data were stationary. The acquisition concluded that the sociocultural-based story calendar was effective to improve reading comprehension skills date: 2022-08-18 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Amalia, Eva (2022) PENGEMBANGAN KALENDER CERITA BERBASIS SOSIOKULTURAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN MEMBACA PEMAHAMAN KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR DI KECAMATAN PONJONG. S2 thesis, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.