%0 Thesis %9 S2 %A mutmainnah, nurul %A Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, %B pendidikan dasar %D 2022 %F UNY:73965 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %K science e-module, local potential, critical thinking skills, environmental care attitude %T PENGEMBANGAN E-MODULE IPA BERBASIS POTENSI LOKAL WISATA ALAM TAMAN NASIONAL BANTIMURUNG UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN BERPIKIR KRITIS DAN SIKAP PEDULI LINGKUNGAN SISWA KELAS V SD NEGERI 17 LANGNGA-LANGNGA %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/73965/ %X This research aims to produce a natural science e-module based on the local potential of Bantimurung National Park in terms of the feasibility of the validation results by experts and to determine the effectiveness of the science e-module in improving critical thinking skills and environmental care attitudes. This research was a R & D that used 4-D models (Four-D Models), namely the define, design, develop and disseminate stages. This research was conducted on fifth grade students at 17 Langnga-Langnga Elementary School. The subjects of test consisted of 15 students who were not from the sample class. While, in the field trial the experimental class consisted of 24 students and the control class consisted of 22 fifth grade students at SD Negeri 17 Langnga-Langnga. The test instruments were in the form of observation and interview of need assessment, scale of product assessment and material assessments, questionnaire of teachers and students response, test of critical thinking skills, and questionnaire of environmental care attitute, environmental care attitude observation sheets and IPA e-module readability questionnaires by students. Data analysis employed were N Gain test, Independent Samples t test, Paired Samples t test and MANOVA test. The results show that: 1) the product of this research is in the form of the natural science e module based on the local potential of Bantimurung National Park. The product is feasible to be implemented. The N Gain test results show that there is an increase in critical thinking skills and environmental care attitudes. 2) the result of the Independent Samples t test, Paired Samples t test and MANOVA test obtains a significance value of 0,000 < 0.05. These results indicate that the natural science e-module based on local natural tourism potential in Bantimurung National Park is effective on critical thinking skills and environmental care attitudes.