%I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %D 2022 %T PENGEMBANGAN MULTIMEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF BEBASIS PERMAINAN KARTU MAKE A MATCH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR %K interactive learning multimedia, make a match card game, critical thinking skills, learning motivation %A nita pratiwi %X This research aims to: 1) produce interactive learning multimedia based on the feasible make a match card game, 2) tested the effectiveness of multimedia learning multimedia based on make a match card game on critical thinking skills and learning motivation students in grade IV of Elementary schools. This development research used the Borg & Gall model (1993). This research and development model consisted of 10 stages including: 1) research and information gathering, 2) planning, 3) developing initial products, 4) initial field trials, 5) product revision I, 6) main field trials, 7) product revision II, 8) operational field testing, 9) product revision III, and 10) dissemination. This research was conducted on four grade students in Elementary Schools in Cluster I, Depok District, Sleman Special Region of Yogyakarta. The subjects in this research amounted 50 elementary schools studensts. Data collection techniques in this research using interviews of need assessment, scale of product validation, questionnaires of response and learning motivation, and test of critical thinking skills. This research data were analyze using descriptive analysis techniques, N Gain test, Independent Samples t-Test, Paired Samples t-Test and MANOVA test. The results show that: 1) the product of the research is in the form of interactive learning multimedia based on make a match card game is feasible based on the validation by material experts and media experts, the results of teacher and students response, and 2) Interactive learning multimedia based on the make a match card game has proven to be effective in increasing critical thinking skills and learning motivation of fourth grade elementary school students based on the results of analysis of critical thinking skills data and learning motivation data student in grade IV of elementary school. The results of MANOVA test obtains a significance value pillai’s trace, wilks’ lambda, hotelling’s trace, and roy’s largest root is 0.000 These results indicate that interactive multimedia based on make a match card game is effective on critical thinking skills and learning motivation. %L UNY73960