%0 Thesis %9 S2 %A pratiwi, lia rizqi %A Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, %B Bimbingan dan Konseling %D 2022 %F UNY:73929 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %K guide, group counseling, self instruction technique, learning achievement %T PENGEMBANGAN PANDUAN KONSELING KELOMPOK DENGAN TEKNIK SELF INSTRUCTION UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR PADA SISWA SMP NEGERI DI KABUPATEN SLEMAN %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/73929/ %X This study aims to produce the feasibility of group counseling guidelines with self instruction techniques to improve learning achievement in Junior High Schools students in Sleman Regency. This research is a research and development that uses the Borg & Gall development model. This study only reached the seventh of the ten stages of Borg & Gall because of limitations in the study. The stages of the research, namely : conducting preliminary research and data collection, planning, early product development, early stage testing, revision of early stage trials, field trials, and revisions field trials. Data collection used a feasibility questionnaire of material expert judgment, media expert, and guidance and counseling teachers. Subject early field trials is a subject matter expert, a media expert and field trials to 15 teachers guidance and counseling. The data analysis technique used in this research was descriptive quantitative. The results of this study show that the group counseling guide with self instruction techniques to improve learning achievement in junior high school students with a percentage of 87.9% is categorized as very suitable for use by guidance and counseling teachers. The results of the feasibility assessment of the guide by the material expert showed that the guide was categorized as "very good" with a percentage of 97.7 %, while by the guide media expert it was categorized as "very good" with a percentage of 78.4 %. The results of the main trial of5guidance and counseling teachersshows that the guide was categorized as "very good" with percentage of 86.5%, while the results of the main trial of 10 guidance and counseling teachers showed that the guide was categorized as "very good" with a percentage of 89.2 %. Validity was given to 5 guidance and counseling teachers of early stage who were analyzed using Aiken's formula. The test results show that 23 items are valid with an average coefficient level of 0.82 and reliability shows Cronbach's Alpha 0.95> 0.70. Also, validity was given to 10 guidance and counseling teachers of field trials who were analyzed using Aiken's formula. The test results show that 23 items are valid with an average coefficient level of 0.85 and reliability shows Cronbach's Alpha 0.98> 0.70.