@phdthesis{UNY73889, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, title = {PENGURANGAN PERILAKU MEMBOLOS DI SEKOLAH DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN KONSELING KELOMPOK PENDEKATAN BEHAVIORAL TEKNIK SELF MANAGEMENT PADA SISWA SMPN 14 KOTA TASIKMALAYA}, year = {2022}, month = {August}, author = {Fitri Ayu Lestari}, abstract = {This research is motivated by a lot of truant behavior in the SMPN 14 Tasikmalaya students. This study aims to reduce truant behavior by using self management techniques for students of SMP 14 Tasikmalaya. This research was action research conducted in three cycles using Kemmis and Taggart model. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects were students of class VIII and IX of SMP 14 Tasikmalaya City who had truant problems totaling 10 people, divided into two groups, namely 5 people in group A and 5 people in group B. The type of action was group counseling with the approach of self behavior management. The data were collected through a observation, student attendance documents, and interviews. The instrument of this study uses observation guidelines and interview guidelines. The success criteria in this study were 80\% of the subjects had not ditched again and were diligent in school. The data analysis used in this study is quantitative descriptive data analysis. The results showed that group counseling with a behavioral approach to self management techniques can reduce truant behavior in class VIII and class IX students of SMP 14 Kota Tasikmalaya. This increase has been proven through research in each group, namely: (1) in group A, the number of subjects who experienced changes in the first cycle is 0\%, and experienced an increase in cycle II to 60\%, and experienced an increase in cycle III as many as 80 \%. (2) in group B the number of subjects who experienced changes in cycle I was as much as 40\%, cycle II as much as 60\%, and experienced an increase in cycle III which was as much as 80\%. These results are also strengthened through observations that show that students have been able to come to school on time, be disciplined and attend school lessons well. From the results of the interviews, students admitted that group counseling activities could reduce truant behavior of students and students also felt helpful in solving problems.}, keywords = {truant behavior, group counseling, behavioral approaches to self management techniques.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/73889/} }