%I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %D 2022 %T EFEKTIVITAS KONSELING KELOMPOK RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY (REBT) TERHADAP PERILAKU PROSOSIAL SISWA SMK NEGERI 4 KOTA MADIUN %L UNY73888 %X The aims of this research is to give the test to the effectiveness of rational emotive behavior in a group counseling on prosocial behavior of students at SMKN 4 Madiun. Rational emotive behavior therapy in a group counseling has never been used in the counseling process at SMKN 4 Madiun. The choice of the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) approach is according to the problem that changes as the reason or more clearly can reduces the negative behaviour to students, because the main purpose of group counseling with the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) approach is to changes the negative behavior towards positive behavior in this prosocial behavior. This research is a quantitative research with a quasi-experimental research and ‘times series design as a research design. The subjects in this research was taken by purposive sampling technique. The subjects of this research were 7 students taken from class XI who have low prosocial behavior and willing to take part in a group counseling sessions. Methods of data collection is using a scale of prosocial behavior. The analysis of statistical data technique used the ‘Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test’ to determine the differenciate of the Prosocial behavior score before being given treatment and after being given treatment. The results of the research indicates that rational emotive behavior therapy in a group counseling is effective to improving the prosocial behavior of students at SMKN 4 Madiun. From the results of the pretest which was carried out 4 times, it is showed the stability of the pretest, and continued with the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in a group counseling intervention for 8 times, after that it was carried out post-test 4 times, there was a significant difference between the results compared to the pretest. This is indicated by the value of p = 0.018 smaller than α = 0.05, and there is no absence of negative values in the description of Wilcoxon test data that conducted on 7 students as research subjects, then in different test shows that there is a significant differenciate in a prosocial behavior between before being given treatment and after being given the rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) in a group counseling treatment, so Ha is accepted. %A WISNU KURNIAWAN %K Konseling kelompok rational emotive behavior, Perilaku prososial