eprintid: 73845 rev_number: 8 eprint_status: archive userid: 1290 dir: disk0/00/07/38/45 datestamp: 2022-08-11 07:51:56 lastmod: 2022-08-11 07:51:56 status_changed: 2022-08-11 07:51:56 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Ihsani, Ade Novi Nurul creators_name: Soenarto, Soenarto title: Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Experiential Paes Pengantin Solo Menggunakan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Augmented Reality. ispublished: pub subjects: D3 divisions: pps_teknik full_text_status: restricted keywords: pembelajaran experiential, pengembangan model abstract: This study aims to: (1) produce an experiential learning model of Solo bridal paes using augmented reality (AR)-based learning media; (2) reveal the validity of the guidebook on the developed learning model; (3) reveal the validity of the developed paes learning media; (4) reveal the validity of the Solo bridal make-up textbook on the developed learning model; (5) reveal the learning outcomes of the students who use the learning model and students who do not use it from the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects; (6) know the effectiveness of the experiential learning model using augmented reality (AR)-based learning media in increasing the competence of Solo bridal make-up, when compared to the Solo bridal paes learning model which is commonly used in the Beauty Study Program; (7) reveal the influence of learning media, direct experience, environmental support, and learning activities on the developed learning model. This type of research is R&D and experiment. The stages of development carried out in this research are preliminary studies, planning, initial product development, initial trials, main product revisions, field trials, final product revisions, and dissemination. Product validation was carried out by vocational education experts, learning media experts, and bridal make-up person. To obtain the experts consensus on the validity of the developed hypothetical model, it was carried out through FGD activities. The next stage is to test it on 4 lecturers and 32 students from the Beauty Study Program. This trial was used to determine the impact of experiential learning of Solo bridal makeup using AR- based learning media. The conclusions of the consensus results of the validity of the experts in this study were analyzed by descriptive methods, while the determination of the impact of learning with a different test used the Mann Whitney test and saw the influence of learning media, direct experience, environmental support, and learning activities on the learning model analyzed using SEM-AMOS. The results show that: (1) the developed learning model could be used in learning Solo bridal makeup; (2) the validity of the guide book was on average above four, which means suitable to be used in Solo bridal makeup lessons viewed from the aspect of content and language; (3) the validity of the learning media was on average above four, which means suitable to be used in Solo bridal makeup lessons viewed from the aspect of easy to learn, efficiency, easy to remember, minimize errors, and level of satisfaction; (4) the average validity of the textbook was on average above four, which means suitable to be used in Solo bridal makeup lessons viewed from the aspect of content and language; (5) student learning outcomes from the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, the experimental class had a higher improvement value than the control class. 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