%K career aspiration, EGP, ESP, perception %A Nana Apriliana %A Basikin Basikin %X This study aims to reveal: (1) Vocational High School (VHS) students’ English perceived needs, (2) VHS students’ career aspirations toward study program they are taking, (3) the effect of students’ perception of their English program (EGP and ESP) on their career aspirations. This study was quantitative research in the form of a correlational study. The subjects were 526 grade X students of ten public VHS’s in Yogyakarta in their second-semester. This study used two questionnaires: (1) a perception questionnaire with a four-point Likert scale used to reveal the students’ perceived needs for English program at school: English for general purposes (EGP) or English for specific purposes (ESP), adapted from Tabatabaei and Mokhtari (2014); (2) a career aspiration questionnaire with a four-point Likert scale used to reveal the students’ aspiration to their future career, adapted from Gregor and O'Brien (2016) using Career Aspiration Scale-Revised (CAS-R). The data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis, Pearson product-moment, and multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 24 software. The findings of this study were as follows. (1) Most VHS students' English perceived need was ESP. Nevertheless, it was also undeniable that they also still needed EGP for their English before they took ESP. (2) Most VHS students did not have mature career aspirations related to the study program they were taking at vocational high school. (3) There was a significant effect of students' perception (EGP and ESP) on their career aspirations (t = 21.136 , EGP = 5.484, and ESP = 7.066, p (EGP and ESP) = 0.000 < 0.01). %L UNY70509 %T The Perception of the Types of English Programs in Relation to Career Aspiration of the Students of Vocational High Schools in Yogyakarta. %I Program Pascasarjana %D 2020