eprintid: 70501 rev_number: 9 eprint_status: archive userid: 1290 dir: disk0/00/07/05/01 datestamp: 2021-04-20 07:45:52 lastmod: 2022-10-31 02:02:34 status_changed: 2021-04-20 07:45:52 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Liza, Khaira creators_name: Sugeng, Bambang title: mproving Students’ Grammatical Competence by Using Cyclic Pre- communicative and Communicative Activities. ispublished: pub subjects: E4 divisions: pps_eng full_text_status: restricted keywords: grammar, grammatical competence, communicative activities abstract: Having excellent grammatical competences is a significant need of senior high school students to achieve adequate English communication skills. However, most of the students still have low grammar knowlege and competences. As a result, they cannot communicate effectively in English. This research study was aimed of revealing: (i) the quality of the cyclic pre-communicative and communicative activities, (ii) the improvement of students’ grammatical competences, (iii) the reasons how the cyclic pre-communicative and communicative activities improve students’ grammatical competence, and (iv) the students’ opinions on the cyclic pre-communicative and communicative activities. To obtain the objectives of the study, the researcher carried out classroom action research in an Islamic senior high school in Yogyakarta. Two types of data, qualitative and quantitative, were collected through observation, interview, grammar tests, and video recordings. The data were analyzed by using Miles, Huberman and Saldana’s (2014) model of data analysis. The results of the data analyses affirmed four points: (i) the instruction can be implemented in accordance with the consistency of the steps, attractiveness of the activities, encouragement to use English words, active participation, and willingness to communicate; (ii) the students can improve their grammar competences significantly; (iii) five conditions may bring about students’ improvement in the forms of providing real examples, using media, providing information gap activities, giving corrective feedbacks, and providing reexplanation of grammar; (iv) students’ opinions on the study can be summarized into five themes: (a) interesting learning activities, (b) confidence to practice their language grammar, (c) motivation to use English words, (d) improvement of their language awareness, and (e) provision of meaningful learning. date: 2020-07-23 date_type: published institution: Program Pascasarjana department: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris thesis_type: tesis referencetext: Ayafor, M. 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