eprintid: 68260 rev_number: 30 eprint_status: archive userid: 1290 dir: disk0/00/06/82/60 datestamp: 2020-06-15 02:45:54 lastmod: 2021-12-10 04:05:13 status_changed: 2020-06-15 02:45:54 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Emeral, Emeral creators_name: Margana, Margana title: The Effect of L2 Speaking Anxiety and L2 Learning Motivation on EFL Undergraduate Students’ Willingness to Communicate in L2. ispublished: pub subjects: E4 divisions: pps_eng full_text_status: restricted keywords: L2 willingness to communicate, L2 speaking anxiety, L2 learning motivation. abstract: This study was mainly intended to reveal: (i) the best predictor of freshmen’s in-class L2 WTC; (ii) the relationship between freshmen’s L2 Speaking Anxiety and their L2 Learning Motivation; and (iii) the differences in freshmen’s L2 WTC by demographic variables. 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