%T An Analysis of English Borrowing in Indonesian Newspapers. %I Program Pascasarjana %D 2019 %K borrowing, English, Indonesian, newspaper %A Apriana Nugraeni %A Teguh Setiawan %X This research analyzed English borrowing found in Indonesian newspaper which show development and modernization of Indonesian. This research aims at: (1) describing types borrowing, (2)classifying strategies borrowing, and (3) describing the equivalence among form, pronunciation, and meaning of English and Indonesian words. This research belongs to qualitative research. The instrument is the researcher herself as human instrument. The data were collected through the observation of daily newspaper, Kompas and Republika for a month. Using the simak method and catat technique. The data trustworthiness was measured by theory and source triangulation. The data were analysed using the content analysis. The results of the research are as follows. First, the types of borrowing from English to Indonesian are in the form of words, terms, and phrases. There are totally 1090 words, 410 terms, and 237 phrases. The type of borrowing that is used at most is word. Second, the strategies of borrowing from English to Indonesian are classified into four: adoption, adaptation, translation, and creation. The strategy of adoption shares 100 words and 81 terms; strategy of adaptation shares 973 words, 309 terms, 124 phrases; strategy of translation shares 17 words, 20 terms, and 31 phrases; strategy of creation shares 82 phrases. The strategy of adoption in the form of phrases and strategy of creation in the form of words and terms is not found. The strategy of borrowing that was used most is adaptation. There are words that are fully adopted words from English to Indonesian, so called as full-adoption and there are words that are not fully adopted in Indonesian so called as partial-adoption. Third, Related to equivalences among form, pronunciation, and meaning, it is found the words that have: (a) the same form and meaning but different pronunciation, (b) the same pronunciation and meaning but different form, (c) the same meaning but different form and pronunciation, (d) the same form, pronunciation, and meaning as whole. %L UNY67855