eprintid: 67846 rev_number: 22 eprint_status: archive userid: 1290 dir: disk0/00/06/78/46 datestamp: 2020-03-12 01:37:20 lastmod: 2020-03-12 01:37:20 status_changed: 2020-03-12 01:37:20 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Yulianto, Irfan Dwi creators_name: Setiawan, Teguh title: Shifts in English-Indonesian Translation Work of Budi Mulia Dua International High School Students. ispublished: pub subjects: E4 divisions: pps_lingtera full_text_status: public keywords: translation shift, and translation technique, translation work abstract: This research is aimed to explore the translation shifts and techniques used in the English-Indonesian translation work of Budi Mulia Dua International School students, in terms of (1) the types of shift performed by the students, and (2) the techniques used in the shifts of English-Indonesian translation. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of the research is 18 pieces of translation work of Budi Mulia Dua International High School students. The object of this research is language units consisting of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The data were collected using the task-based method and analyzed using the padan translational method to identify the shifts occurring and the techniques used by the students. The findings are as follows. Firstly, there are two major shifts occurring in this research, namely (1) level shift and (2) category shift. Four classifications of category shift are also found, namely (1) structure shift, (2) class shift, (3) unit shift, and (4) intra-system shift. Secondly, the techniques used are also revealed. Two major techniques, namely (1) direct translation technique and (2) oblique translation technique are found. However, only one direct method is found in this research, i.e. literal translation. While there are three techniques applied in the oblique translation technique: (1) transposition, (2) modulation, and (3) adaptation. The level shift occurred 105 times while the category shift occurred 588 times. Structure shift and transposition techniques are the most dominant shift occurring and technique used in this research. Thus, the shift cannot be avoided in translation since it is a part of the translation. date: 2019-11-13 date_type: published institution: Program Pascasarjana department: Linguistik Terapan thesis_type: tesis referencetext: Agustina, K. T. (2018). Indonesian interference on English language in VII grade junior high school students. SHS Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, 1-6 Agung, I. G. (2016). Translation procedures in translating religious terms. Linguistika, 23, 197-206. Akbari, M. (2012). Structural shifts in translation of children's literature. International journal of linguistics, 576-594. Alzuhdy, Y. A. (2014). Analisis translation shift dalam penerjemahan bilingual Bahasa Inggris-Bahasa Indonesia. Diksi Vol 22, 185-193. Andersen, S. (2014). Sentence types and functions. San José State University Writing Center. Australia bushfire threatens Sydney suburbs homes. (15 April 2018) BBC NEWS, Retrieved from: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-43773656 Baker, M. (2001). In other words: a course book on translation. London and New Y ork: Routledge. Bassnett, S. (2002). Translation studies. London: Routledge. Bauer, L. (1983). English word-formation. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press. Behtash, Z. E., & Yazdani M, M. (2017). Translation evaluation: A comparative study of an oblique translation. International journal on english language and translation, 108-112. Catford, J. (1965). A linguistic theory of translation. London: Oxford University Press. Chaer, A. (2007). Linguistik umum. Jakarta: Rieneka Cipta. Dorri, E. (2016) The application of structure shift in the Persian translation. Journal of advances in English language teaching, Vol.4, No.1 pp. 19-23
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