@phdthesis{UNY66954, school = {Program Pascasarjana}, year = {2019}, month = {August}, title = {English Learning Styles of the Eleventh Grade Students in Bombana Senior High Schools, South East Sulawesi.}, author = {Azwan Hepriansyah and Widyastuti Purbani}, keywords = {English Learning Styles, Learning Styles Contribution, Perceptual Learning Style and Sociological Learning Style.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/66954/}, abstract = {This study aimed to: (1) find out the English learning styles of the eleventh grade students in SMA Negeri 01, SMA Negeri 02, and SMA Negeri 03 Bombana, (2) reveal the English learning styles of the eleventh grade students in Bombana senior high schools, and (3) uncover the contribution of the students learning styles in English achievement of the eleventh grade students in Bombana senior high schools. The focus of this study was to discuss perceptual learning style preference and sociological learning style preference which was divided into six learning styles. Those learning styles were Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Kinesthetic, Group and Individual. The method used in this study was the mixed method approach in the form of sequential explanatory. The sample was 385 students of grade 11 in Bombana senior high schools who were divided into 18 classes. A close-ended questionnaire, an interview, an observation, and documentation were used to collect the data. This study used descriptive statistics, simple linear regression, data display, and conclusion drawing as the requirements in analyzing the data. The results of this study showed that the majority of grade 11 students in Bombana senior high schools used group learning as their major English learning style preference. Meanwhile, the auditory learning style as their minor English learning style preference. Followed by the tactile learning style, individual learning style, kinesthetic learning style, and the visual learning style. Moreover, contribution of the students? learning style to the English achievement of grade 11 students? in Bombana senior high schools was 44\% with R Square value of 0.440. Furthermore, the data displays of interview showed that the level of difficulty of the material was one of the reasons why students preferred group learning or discussion. By discussing, they could explore the material deeper than the explanation given by the teacher with developing the other examples that were related to the material and the direct explanation given by the teacher was the reason why students are remembered the lessons better through auditory learning style (hearing explanations from others) rather than the visual learning style (reading books or slides). The data displays of observation showed that the group learning style preferred by the students was in accordance with the English teaching and learning process of grade 11 in Bombana senior high schools.} }