@phdthesis{UNY66920, year = {2019}, month = {September}, title = {Developing Communicative Materials for Speaking at English Course for Children (ECC) Program in SD Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta.}, school = {Program Pascasarjana}, author = {Heri Setiawan and Agus Widyantoro}, keywords = {Communicative materiasl, developing materials, speaking skill}, abstract = {This study aims to develop communicative English speaking material. This material development was carried out due to the unavailability of material for learning English, especially communicative speaking. The researcher aims to influence children which include: (1) whether children are interested in learning English, especially communicative speaking skills, (2) whether using communicative learning will affect effectiveness in learning, (3) whether the use of communicative in speaking skill will support children's abilities in English. This type of research is research and development research using qualitative methods. This study uses ADDIE design (analysis, design, development, application and evaluation. The study population was fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Tamantirto Bantul. The first sample taken was 8 children for interviews related to English learning in the classroom. There were about 8 the question asked by the researcher about the 8 children After the results of the interview were known, the researcher began developing the material to speak communicative English, and after the development was carried out and in consultation with the lecturer, the researchers conducted the first try out for children with the aim of testing the results of development The researcher conducted interviews with 8 children to find out the results of the first try out.The researcher evaluated and improved the development of the material according to the results of the first try out and input from the lecturer, then the researcher held a second try out after the material improvement. awancara again to 8 children to find out the results of the development of the material. After the second try out the researchers consulted the results of the children towards learning English with the lecturer. The results of this study indicate a positive development in learning English in Muhammadiyah Tamantirto Elementary School, including: (1) children become interested in learning English even though they are only extra lessons, (2) improvement in children's ability to speak English, (3) growth mentally the courage of the child to speak English in front of the class. The development of material that speaks English is very useful and influences the increase in speaking of children in learning English at SD Muhammadiyah Tamantirto, Bantul.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/66920/} }