<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "The Effectiveness of Higher Order Thinking Reading\r\n(HOTR) and Directed Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA) In Reading\r\nComprehension Teaching for Grade Eight Students"^^ . "This research aimed to reveal: (1) the differences in the students‟\r\nachievement in the reading comprehension among the students taught by using\r\nHOTR and those taught by using DRTA, and those taught by using DRA; (2)\r\nwhether the use of HOTR was more effective than that of DRTA in teaching\r\nreading comprehension; (3) whether the use of HOTR was more effective than\r\nthat of DRA in teaching reading comprehension; and (4) whether the use of\r\nDRTA was more effective than that of DRA in teaching reading comprehension. \r\nThis study was a quasi-experimental research employing the pretest –\r\nposttest non-equivalent control group design, using two experimental groups. The\r\nresearch population comprised eight classes of students at SMP N 1 Yogyakarta.\r\nThe research sample was established using cluster random sampling technique to\r\nobtain three classes. Two classes were the experimental group taught by using\r\nHOTR and DRTA whereas one class was the control group taught by using DRA.\r\nThe data were collected through a pretest – posttest to measure students‟ reading\r\ncomprehension. The data were analyzed by using ANCOVA at the significant\r\nlevel 5% computed by using SPSS 22.0 Program for Windows. \r\nThe research finding showed that: (1) There was no significant difference\r\nin achievement in the reading comprehension among the students taught by using\r\nHOTR and those taught by using DRTA, and those taught by using DRA, as\r\nshown by the Sig. value of ANCOVA that was higher than Sig. level (0.728 >\r\n0.05); (2) The use of HOTR was more effective than that of DRTA in teaching\r\nreading comprehension, with the mean difference of 6.059; (3) The use of HOTR\r\nwas more effective than that of DRA in teaching reading comprehension, with\r\nmean difference of 6.867; (4) The use of DRTA was no more effective than that\r\nof DRA in teaching reading comprehension, with the mean difference of 0.807. In\r\nconclusion, HOTR and DRTA were the effective strategies in reading\r\ncomprehension teaching.\r\n\r\nKeywords: DRTA, HOTR, teaching reading comprehension"^^ . "2019-01-29" . . . "UNY"^^ . . . "Program Pascasarjana, UNY"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Yuni Putri"^^ . "Utami"^^ . "Yuni Putri Utami"^^ . . . . . . "The Effectiveness of Higher Order Thinking Reading\r\n(HOTR) and Directed Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA) In Reading\r\nComprehension Teaching for Grade Eight Students (Text)"^^ . . . "Yuni Putri Utami-15716251036-PBI_compressed.swf"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #65305 \n\nThe Effectiveness of Higher Order Thinking Reading \n(HOTR) and Directed Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA) In Reading \nComprehension Teaching for Grade Eight Students\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris"@en . . . "Pasca Sarjana" . .