<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN"^^ . "This research is development or increase of soft skills for student with cooperative learning strategy so that development process of soft skills can do in the study classroom, for example commitment, responsibility, cooperate, creativity and ethics. Beside that for knowing, what of soft skills with cooperative learning strategy can increase of soft skills for student compare with conventional method or discourse method in the study classroom can be doing by student XIIth class of 2 Klaten vocational high school.\r\n This research is Classroom Action Research execute at 2 Klaten vocational High school. Every cycle begin from planning, action, observation and reflection. Data analyst is doing to compare between the observation result of cycle I, Cycle II, and cycle III with qualitative description method which to clear with the mean of percent of soft skills who have a student.\r\n The result of the research is cooperative learning can be development of soft skills for student on commitment aspect, responsibility, cooperate, creativity and ethics with step that is group discussion and practice. The mean of soft skills who have student base observation at cycle I are 53,20 % (enough), Cycle II are 61,20 % (high) and cycle III are 64,80 % (high). While the observation result in soft skills aspect, is commitment aspect beginning at cycle I are 52 % (enough), cycle II are 63 % (high) and cycle III are 66 % (high). In the responsibility aspect beginning at cycle I are 53 % (enough), cycle II are 59 % (enough) and cycle III are 60 % (high), in the cooperate aspect beginning at cycle I are 55 % (enough), cycle II are 70 % (high) and cycle III are 71 % (high), in the creativity aspect beginning at cycle I are 53 % (enough), cycle II are 59 % (enough) and cycle III are 63 % (high), and in the ethics aspect beginning at cycle I are 53 % (enough), cycle II are 55 % (enough) and cycle III are 62 % (high), from of all observation result above, so can be said in general soft skills for student experiencing development with using cooperative learning strategy in the study classroom.\r\n Keyword : Cooperative Learning, soft skills, commitment, responsibility, cooperate, creativity and ethics"^^ . "2011" . . . "Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta"^^ . . . "Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Mukhtar\t"^^ . "Widiyanto"^^ . "Mukhtar\t Widiyanto"^^ . . . . . . "THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN (Text)"^^ . . . "MUKHTAR_WIDIYANTO.pdf"^^ . . . "THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #6226 \n\nTHE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILL ASPECT THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT LESSON FOR THE XIITH GRADE STUDENT AT DEPONTMENT OF AUDIO-VIDEO ENGINEERING IN SMK N 2 KLATEN\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Teknik Elektronika" . .