%0 Thesis %9 S1 %A Apriana, Rizki %A Abdullah Taman, M.Si., Ak., CA., %B Akuntansi %D 2018 %F UNY:59994 %I Fakultas Ekonomi %K Village Government’s Financial Performance, Village Fund Allocation, Expenditure Variance, Expenditure Growth, Harmony of Expenditure, Expenditure Efficiency %T ANALYSIS OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT’S FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN MANAGING THE VILLAGE FUND ALLOCATION AT KEMIRI SUBDISTRICT IN 2016 %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/59994/ %X This study aimed to describe the Village Government’s Financial Performance in Managing the Village Fund Allocation at Kemiri Subdistrict in 2016 based on the analysis of Expenditure Variance, Expenditure Growth, Expenditure Harmony, and Expenditure Efficiency This is descriptive quantitative study conducted on population of 40 villages. The data used is Village Fund Allocation Management Report collected at Kemiri Subdistrict Office. Data has been collected then analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Based on this research result can be concluded that the Village Government’s Financial Performance in Managing the Village Fund Allocation at Kemiri Subdistrict in 2016 based on the analysis of Expenditure Variance is assessed good with the positive variance Rp 15.580.000,00. Village Government’s Financial Performance in Managing the Village Fund Allocation at Kemiri Subdistrict in 2016 based on the analysis of Expenditure Growth there was a decrease amounted to 7%. Village Government’s Financial Performance in Managing the Village Fund Allocation at Kemiri Subdistrict in 2016 based on the analysis of Expenditure Harmony mostly used for Operational Expenditure with the percentage 80%. Village Government’s Financial Performance in Managing the Village Fund Allocation at Kemiri Subdistrict in 2016 based on the analysis of Expenditure Efficiency is assessed good with the ratio 99,79%.