%T THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERACTIVE LEARNING MEDIA ON COMPUTER SKILL AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT COURSE AT SMK NEGERI 2 DEPOK SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA %D 2012 %I UNY %L UNY5953 %A Ena Kharismaya %X The research was purpose to develop the interactive learning media on computer skill and information management course, testing the media task and to know the feasibility of media when tested to the field. The learning media expected to help students to practice the study by themselves, in the other hand can be afford the process of learning at vocational high school. The research was using Research and Development Method according to the implementation step of development, as follows : 1) Analysis of needs, 2) Develop the design of multimedia learning, 3) Implementation of Media, 4) Testing the product result of media development. The testing was using Black Box method to find out the error of navigation, and then the media is validated by the expert of material and the expert of media before tested to the field. The research of user testing was held at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, grade of XI, with 29 students the department of Audio Video Engineering. The data collection method was using Questionnaire, the data were collected then analyze by researcher with Descriptive Analysis technique with convert the average result of evaluation into the feasibility interval score. The result of the research was show that the level of learning media development from the expert of material validator the score was 3.78 in very feasible category, and then from the expert of media validator the score was 3.19 in feasible category and to the user testing of students the score was 3.24 in feasible category. Based on the data, conclude that the interactive media learning on computer skill and information management course which made by the researcher was feasible to used by vocational high school students.