@article{UNY58366, title = {Kebijakan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Era Reformasi di Indonesia}, pages = {267--281}, publisher = {LPPMP UNY}, author = {Samsuri Samsuri}, number = {2}, month = {June}, volume = {30}, journal = {Cakrawala Pendidikan}, year = {2011}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/58366/}, abstract = {This paper presents the preliminary study on civic education into the national educational policy during reform era since 1998 in Indonesia. Reform movement has impact to change signification toward national educational reform too. Civic education entered the changing paradigm to build good citizens. The old paradigm of civic education nuanced strongest to serve the political regime hegemonics. Civic education has been reduced as well as value or character education an sich. The politics of education in the new era shifted the paradigm of civic education into the standarization according to democratic citizenship education norms. Reforming civic education has directed how the teachers who have competencies to transform the democratic values democratically.} }